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[Story] AFRAID TO LOVE (Episodes 51 – END)


Afraid to love

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Episode 101


His smirk could be heard, it filled the entire room. “Always Jeremy Broderick. Why did you choose him?”

Purity s—-d in a breath. The voice – she had never heard it before. “Who are you? Why don’t you show your face?”

He wasn’t going to, not yet. He’d remain hidden in the dark till he was satisfied. “Don’t you think its too early to start questioning me?”

She scoffed. “I don’t think so. I’m outta here. Can’t speak to an invisible person.”

He had no reply to her taunt. He only watched as she began to head for the door. She tried opening it, it wouldn’t respond. He smiled pleasingly as she continued her struggle with the door.

“Stupid door,” she cursed and stamped a foot on the marble floor. “What do you want from me?” she demanded, turning to face the direction of the voice.

“I love your guts,” he complimented, still in the dark. “You are just as I imagined.”

She was getting impatient. “What do you want with me?” she demanded, standing akimbo.

“Its simple,” he felt it was time to come out of the dark.

She heard his footsteps coming at her direction. Her heart began racing. Was she ready to face the man who had locked her up with him? Only time could tell. She took a deep breath.

“I only want revenge,” he admitted, completely facing her.

Purity scanned him. He was hefty and tall. He had brown hair, grey eyes that never stopped staring at her with lust. The Armani suit he was clad in matched his eyes. He was somewhat attractive. She rolled her eyes. Disappointment. That was the feeling she got. She’d expected a different person. One who smelt dangerous. But this guy didn’t look like it. “I’m astonished.” She chuckled. “A guy like you wants revenge? Hmm. Totally unbelievable.”

“This is my house,” he reminded her, getting upset.

“So?” she folded her arms. “Doesn’t give you any right to prison me in here.”

“I guess you haven’t changed.” he pocketed his hands. “Your ordeal with Ernest didn’t that teach you anything?”

“It didn’t,” she answered moving backwards. “I was unharmed. And that gave me more guts.”

“Hmm.” he sighed. “He failed then.”

“It was you behind it?” it was more like an accusation that a question.

“Are you surprised?” he was smiling. “Then I’ve amazed you.”

“Just tell me, what do you want me for?” she demanded again. She wasn’t moving.

He took a step forward, and another and another, he was advancing towards her. “I just want my revenge.”

Purity walked backwards till she was pinned to the wall. “What f—–g revenge do you want?”

“Hey,” Ernest confidently greeted.

“What is it you want?” the guard asked, holding a frown on his face.

That disapproved face wasn’t gonna intimidate him. “Uh… I’m Ernest. Remember?”

“I remember you,” the guard replied, still frowning.

“Jayden wants to see me. We had an agreement. We have to see eachother.” Ernest sounded as sincere as he could, looking very harmless.

“He doesn’t wanna be disturbed,” the guard insisted.

“I’m gonna call him right now and let him know what you just said,” Ernest threatened.

“All right. I hope this is true.” He gave way for Ernest to pass through.

Ernest made his way into the compound swiftly, smiling devilishly.

“What?” the guard was alarmed. “You didn’t tell me there were three of you. I’ll-”

And there was a punch from Darren. It made the guard shut up and was sent to the ground. He was knocked out.

“Quick! Hurry in,” he whispered to Jeremy.

Jeremy hurried in. In no time, the guard’s body was pulled into his little home. All three were in there.

“This is the control room.” Ernest informed Darren.

“And why would a control room be in here?” Jeremy asked.

“Jayden’s too smart. One would never suspect. Its right there,” Ernest pointed at it.

“Really smart,” Darren concurred. “You talk as if you know all about his Jayden. You know much about him?”

“Yeah. My buddy. Till he betrayed me.”

“He’s gonna wake up any time soon,” Jeremy said, referring to the guard.

“I’ve got this,” Darren held up a bottle and administered it on the guard. “Cyanide. He’ll be unconscious for long.”

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Episode 102

“Jeez!” Jeremy exclaimed. “Isn’t that gonna kill him?”

“It might, might not.” Darren replied. “Come on, I’ve got to shut down the security cameras.”

He trotted to the control center and the others trailed. He got busy to work.

“Jeremy,” Ernest blurted out. “You’ve got to forgive me. I really am sorry. Please, let it go.”

Jeremy looked up at him. He was hurt, really hurt. Still, he had to let it go. Pride and ego wasn’t gonna get in his way. He smiled sincerely, “I forgive you. It was difficult, I mean it is. But I do.”

Ernest was relieved. He felt happy. He smiled in return.

“All cameras down.” Darren informed.

They turned to him.

“The house is ours now. We’re gonna split and search for her discreetly as we can. Allan would soon be here. Lets move it.”


“I can’t breathe,” Purity whinned, “Move back. You are just too close.”

“Do you know how long I’ve waited and wanted to be alone with you? Let me enjoy it!”

“Annoying jerk!” Purity cursed. “Let me go!” she screamed.

“Wild as a horse. You’re exactly the same.”

“Let go!” she shoved him out of her face with all the strength she had.

“I’m Jayden Cristiano, you b—h!” he yelled at her, stepping back.

“Don’t you dare call me names,” she warned, panting. “Wait, did you just say Jayden? Jayden?” The J and Y. It did not mean Jeremy, it meant Jayden. She’d been a fool to think only the name ‘Jeremy’ had a J and Y. “What the heck are you? I don’t know you!”

“You know who the hell I am! I need my revenge.” he stared murderously at her.

She did not like his gaze. It was dangerous. It seemed his eyes were gonna stop her from taking in more oxygen. “What silly revenge have you been ranting about?”

“You remember the guy you hit in the presence of the world? You slapped me on the face for the world to see. Now, you claim you don’t know me?” he explained. It was embarrassing recalling that event.

Yeah. He was right. Now, she knew who he was. A guy who wouldn’t let her be. Who pried into her private life and wanted to force his way into her heart. She never gave him that permission and he wasn’t gonna break her rules. “You were embarrassing me. I couldn’t take it anymore.” she paused, rubbed her forehead and then continued with her defense. “You just wouldn’t let me be. Believe me, I never wanted to. I was pushed to the wall by you. I had to bounce back.”

“By hitting me?” he snarled.

“You wouldn’t listen to my words.”

“I loved you and just wanted you to be my girlfriend.”

“And I said I wasn’t interested,” she folded her arms and her lips pouted.

He ran a hand through his hair roughly, “Well all that’s over now. You’re gonna pay.”

“That is the reason you disappeared into thin air?” she asked brusquely.

“I’m gonna have my revenge,” he repeated firmly.

“How the hell am I gonna pay?” she retorted.

“You’ll feel the same pain I did.”

She twisted her lips. “You’re gonna hurt someone you claim to have loved?”

“I did love you.”

“Hell no, you didn’t. It was an obsession and it was getting on my nerves. I had to do something. And I did!”

“An error on your part. You’d regret it.”

“How?” she rolled her eyes.´

“I’ve got a private plane waiting for us. We’re leaving for Paris.”

Purity scoffed. “You can’t do that. I am not going anywhere with you!”

“I can, my darling,” he replied softly.

“You wouldn’t dare,” she ruffled her hair. “How’s that gonna make me pay?”

He roved around her, circling her with each step he took. “In Paris, you’d be my lover. I’d take away your virginity and later on, break up with you for the whle world to see,” he smiled wickedly. “I can be cruel if I wanna be.”

“You are cruel!” she spat out.

“Move it!”

He grabbed hold of her hand, yanking her to his side without being considerate if she was gonna hurt. Securely holding her, he unlocked the door easily.

Purity groaned. The d–n door that had refused to open when she wanted to run away. She struggled with Jayden to free herself. It wasn’t working – just like all the other times. She was weak in power when it came to men. But she wasn’t gonna let him humiliate her that way.

Jayden pushed the door open, pulled Purity out and closed it behind him.

“Don’t move!” a voice ordered, stopping him from taking any step.

Episode 103


“Jeremy,” Purity gasped, totally amazed. “What is Jeremy doing with a gun?” she rhetorically asked. The shock on her face soon melted into a smile of appreciation. Jeremy had finally come! He was to save her. She was relieved and felt happiniess. She never did stop hoping he’d come for her.

“This is the Jeremy?” Jayden taunted with disgust on his face.

“Shut up!” Jeremy yelled, pointing a gun at him. “One more word and you’d be in hell.” He was trying to be calm. To keep his cool. Seeing Purity brought this feeling of joy, contentment in his heart. The feeling of emptiness and being incomplete withered away. A warm feeling took root in his heart.

Pure hatred, disgust and anger were the feelings he had for the b—–d who had taken his princess away from him. He also betrayed his cousin. He was so gonna pay for his crimes.

“Are you alright?” he asked Purity.

“I’m…. I’m……okay. Um, I’m not hurt,” she replied, stuttering. Getting out of Jayden’s arms and being with Jeremy was all she could think of.

“Release her at once!” Jeremy demanded.

“What are you gonna do?” Jayden retorted.

“Shoot.” Jeremy answered sincerely. In reality, he didn’t know how to use a gun. He’d never held one his entire life till Darren handed him one that afternoon. It was his and Purity’s protection. He figured out he had to keep his finger on the trigger, and that he did. Jayden was never gonna find out he was naive when it came guns. Practicing on him wasn’t a bad idea. The desire to kill him increased as each second rolled by.

“Please, don’t shoot,” Purity whimpered. Honestly, she was scared. She had no idea what Jeremy was going to do.

Jayden tightened his hold on Purity. “You can’t do that. You’re not a killer.”

“I could become one.”

“Please,” Purity begged.

“Shut the hell up!” Jayden screamed at her.

“Don’t you talk to her that way!” Jeremy shot at him. Livid with anger, Jeremy thought he was gonna murder him. Put a bullet into his head, sending him where he belonged.

Jayden was unarmed. He had no weapon to fight back with. Regardless of that, he was confident nothing was gonna happen to him. He was still going to achieve his aim – revenge. “My boys will soon send you to the grave. They should be here any moment.”

Jeremy chuckled. “I don’t see any of them. And I’m afraid they won’t be coming. Cyanide. You’re not as smart as they say.”

A look of shock and horror replaced the smiling face of Jayden. At that instant, he regretted not having any weapon.

“If I were you, I’d repsect myself and let her go,” Jeremy exhorted. “You’ve lost this battle. You can never have her. She belongs to me.”

“Never!” Jayden bellowed. Furious, his hands found way on Purity’s neck. He was going to strangle her. No one was going to have her. She’d better die being a virgin.

Purity coughed and put her hands on Jayden’s. She was running out of air, gasping for breath. Water ran out of her eyes. Fear consumed her. Was she gonna die before Jeremy? She tried to speak, it was impossible.

Jeremy lost control of himself. Aggressively, he cocked the gun and pulled the trigger.


“My love,” Jeremy called out, worried. “My darling, are you alright?” he brushed her hair affectionately.

Purity clung on to Jeremy. Gripping him tightly. Letting go wasn’t an option. She was right were she belonged – in his arms. “I’m fine. I missed you. Missed you so much!”

“Missed you too. More than you could ever imagine.”

Purity smiled gleefully. “You’re my hero, Jeremy Broderick. You saved me. I’m never letting you go.”

Jeremy laughed as he listened to her remarks. “You are my sweetheart. I’m not letting go either.” He fastened his hold on her.

“Ahem,” Darren cleared his throat.

Purity and Jeremy freed themselves. They turned to him.

“Just want you all to know that everything’s cool. Jayden’s in the vehicle, Ernest would soon follow. His men too are arrested. You’re not in any danger. Feel free to go home and celebrate.” He grinned. He had just accomplished a mssion. It was a great job.´

Purity threw herself into Darren’s arms, “Thank you, for all you’ve done.”

“You’re welcome.” He let her go. “And Jeremy, that was a nice shot.” He patted him on the shoulder, “See you at home.”

“Thank you, Allan,” Purity said with gratitude. Jeremy would never have rescued her without any of their help,

“Sure. Anything for you,” he winked at Jeremy, “And him. I think I’m gonna be a detective and a doctor.”

They all laughed at Allan’s joke.

Episode 104

“What’s going on here?” a familiar voice questioned.

The laughter ceased.

Purity stole a glance at the intruder. She’d seen that face before. It was the same woman who had created a scene at her office. What was she doing here? “Who are you?” she demanded.

“I am you!” Tricia fired at Purity.

“What the hell does she mean by that?” Purity asked Jeremy.

“It cant be,” Jeremy muttered. “Tricia don’t-”

“Don’t what?” she interrupted, pointing a gun at Purity. “Hell, I’m gonna shoot her!”

A ton of police officers pulled out their weapons and pointed at Tricia Cayson. They did not mind the fact that she was the daughter of a cop. She was breaking the law and needed to be reprimanded.

“Don’t shoot!” David warned. “I’ll talk to her.” He watched them drop their guns. Sighing, he moved towards his daughter. “Tricia,” he whispered.

“Don’t you call me that!” she yelled. “I am Purity. Purity Theodore. This s–t standing right here isn’t Purity. She’s a gold digger that needs to be dealt with. She doesn’t deserve to answer ‘Purity.’ She isn’t pure. She deserves to die! I alone will be Purity.” Tricia ranted, sending Purity murderous looks.

“You can’t be someone else,” David rebuked.

“Yes, I can and will be,” she insisted. “That’s why I’ve got to finish her off.”

“What do you want?” David asked.

“To be her.”

David exhaled. “Purity,” he couldn’t believe he’d call his daughter that. It really made him sad. “You are Purity Theodore. Tricia Cayson does not exist.”

Tricia turned to her father and had the gun pointed at him. “You called me that,” she mumbled.

Purity heaved a sigh of relief. The gun wasn’t pointed at her anymore. She was curious and watched the unfolding drama.

“My ex,” Jeremy whispered.

“Oh.” Purity smiled in a silly way. His ex was still crazy about him and wanted to be her at all cost. Men were still going nuts over her. They were a special couple indeed. She clutched to Jeremy. There was no way she was ever gonna leave him.

The scene continued.

David’s idea had worked out. He called his daughter a name he did not give her. The gun was pointed at him and she was already weak. He felt it. He continued, taking advantage of that, “Jeremy Broderick is your fiance, right?”

Tricia’s lips quivered. She knew it was a lie. It wasn’t true. She couldn’t say so. She had to lie. And live by the lie. The way she’d always imagined. “Yes,” she blurted out. “I am. She’s tryna steal him away from me. She doesn’t want my happiness,” she lamented.

He took a step forward, “I’m your father, I always want you happy.”

“Then get me Jeremy!” she yelled.

There was a smile on his face, “As long as you put that gun down.”

“I can’t,” she whispered.

“Trust me,” David assured her.

He took slow steps, gradually getting to her. He exhaled sharply, “Nice and steady.”

Tricia thought someone finally understood her. Finally! She’d have what she always wanted – to be with Jeremy. Now, she’d be Purity and Jeremy would love her more than he loved that witch. Her dad could get Jeremy to do anything. He was a cop and Jeremy could get married to her on gun point. “I do trust you,” she breathed out, putting the gun down. There was no reason to hold it anymore.

“Good,” David said, taking the gun away from her. His heart was heavy. He really had to do this. Swiftly, he grabbed hold of her hands, placing them at her back.

She struggled to be free. “What the-”

David didn’t let her complete her statement. He handcuffed her. It was the right thing to do. She’d become a criminal and had to face the law. But before that, she needed to be taken elsehwhere.

“You betrayed me!” she accused, pain in her eyes.

“I’m sorry, honey,” he apologised. “You also betrayed me. We’re taking you out.” He signaled some cops to put her at the back seat of a police car.

“I hate you! My father doesn’t love me! You s–t, I’ll be back for you-”

She was forced into a car and locked in. Her rantings continued in there.

“Jeremy, Purity,” David said, “Forgive my daughter. She doesn’t know what she’s doing. We’re taking her to a mental institution. An assylum. She’s completely out of her mind.”

“We’re sorry about that, too,” Jeremy sadly expressed. He could understand David’s feeling.

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Thanks.We’re off,”David finally said and walked away.
“I can’t belive that just happened,” Purity said in a state of confusion. “I nver knew it’d get to this.”she paused and smiled,”As if I had known.”
Jeremy watched her with a smile on as she expressed her feelings. Great!He felt alive again.He’d so much longed to see her pretty face,feel her skin,her touch,hear her rant.Thank goodness he finally found her.Who could have known he’d ever fall in love,especially with his enemy?
“When she pointed the gun at me. I was really scared.All I felt during my stay with ErnestandJayden returned to me.But it wasn’t that overwhelming,it was different.”
“How?”he asked.
She had a big grin.”You were right beside me!”
Jeremy winked at her.Drawing her closer,he ruffled her hair.”ILoveYou,Purity Theodore.”
A beautiful smile appeared on her face as she heard Jeremy profess his love for her.She felt her heart lurch with excitement,her tummy;butterflies danced in it.This was what she’d wanted to hear and the words finally found their way into her ears.Words were not enough to describe the pleasurable feelings surging through her.Unable to withhold her excitement,she raised her toes on the tip.”Guess what I wanna do,”she cooed,leaning on Jeremy.
He gripped her waist firmly.”You tell me.”
Purity slowly pushed her head forward.Wrapping her arms around Jeremy’s neck,she reached for a kiss.
Understanding what her aim was,Jeremy bent his head and covered her lips with his.
“What do you wanna do?” Jeremy inquired,grasping Purity’s hand softly.
She blushed.”I don’t wanna do anything.Justwanna be with you.”
“Come here,”Jeremy pulled her for an embrace.Having her that close,he felt electrified within himself.”Do you know how my life was within these days you disappeared?”
“Let me guess.Horrible,”she giggled.
“Not just horrible.I was terrified thinkingI’d never see you for the rest of my life.If things had gone worse,I’d have never for-”
“Darling,”Purity cut in,”You shouldn’t worry about all that.I’m right here,by your side.”
“Right.Come on,I wanna see your parents and my father.”
“Before that,I want something else.”
“What?”a glint of happiness was in his eyes.
“I love you,Jeremy.”she admitted, feeling shy all of a sudden.Staring at her fingers,she linked them together,twisting them.

105 (Final Episode)
“Thanks.We’re off,”David finally said and walked away.
“I can’t belive that just happened,” Purity said in a state of confusion. “I nver knew it’d get to this.”she paused and smiled,”As if I had known.”
Jeremy watched her with a smile on as she expressed her feelings. Great!He felt alive again.He’d so much longed to see her pretty face,feel her skin,her touch,hear her rant.Thank goodness he finally found her.Who could have known he’d ever fall in love,especially with his enemy?
“When she pointed the gun at me. I was really scared.All I felt during my stay with ErnestandJayden returned to me.But it wasn’t that overwhelming,it was different.”
“How?”he asked.
She had a big grin.”You were right beside me!”
Jeremy winked at her.Drawing her closer,he ruffled her hair.”ILoveYou,Purity Theodore.”
A beautiful smile appeared on her face as she heard Jeremy profess his love for her.She felt her heart lurch with excitement,her tummy;butterflies danced in it.This was what she’d wanted to hear and the words finally found their way into her ears.Words were not enough to describe the pleasurable feelings surging through her.Unable to withhold her excitement,she raised her toes on the tip.”Guess what I wanna do,”she cooed,leaning on Jeremy.
He gripped her waist firmly.”You tell me.”
Purity slowly pushed her head forward.Wrapping her arms around Jeremy’s neck,she reached for a kiss.
Understanding what her aim was,Jeremy bent his head and covered her lips with his.
“What do you wanna do?” Jeremy inquired,grasping Purity’s hand softly.
She blushed.”I don’t wanna do anything.Justwanna be with you.”
“Come here,”Jeremy pulled her for an embrace.Having her that close,he felt electrified within himself.”Do you know how my life was within these days you disappeared?”
“Let me guess.Horrible,”she giggled.
“Not just horrible.I was terrified thinkingI’d never see you for the rest of my life.If things had gone worse,I’d have never for-”
“Darling,”Purity cut in,”You shouldn’t worry about all that.I’m right here,by your side.”
“Right.Come on,I wanna see your parents and my father.”
“Before that,I want something else.”
“What?”a glint of happiness was in his eyes.
“I love you,Jeremy.”she admitted, feeling shy all of a sudden.Staring at her fingers,she linked them together,twisting them.
Jeremy smiled,then chuckled. Those words warmed his heart and got him all excited.”Baby,”
She slowly lifted her head up.
“Do you know what that word means?”
“Gosh!Jeremy,”Purity feigned anger.”I know what it means. Love is love.To love a person. Uh-”
“Are you ready for that?”
“I am.”she couldn’t understand his questions.”What about you?Are you ready?”
Jeremy flashed a smile.”You are no more scared?Afraid to love?”
She nodded,smiling.”Yeah. After all I’ve been through,I figured out something.That is,I want to spend the good and bad times with loved ones and family.Don’t want to hold any of these good feelings in.I want to be happy and being with you makes me happy.I deserve to be happy.”
“And you’re completely happy with me.”
“My princess, lets go get married.”
Purity took a deep breath as she took an unsteady step out of the bathroom.She took the next,then she was walking into the bedroom. A feeling of shyness hit her. She was simply wearing a lingerie. It was blue,perfectly fitting her.It complimented her unique feminine shape,showing off all her features. Her hair was damp with water.
As she walked further, she felt nervous.Her heartbeat increased. She was about to do a thing she had never done before.She was excited and nervous as well.It wasn’t a bad thing.Its meant for only married couples and now she was one.And ready.
Soon enough,a large king-sized bed appeared,Jeremy was on it.He was not fully dressed as she was.Laying her eyes on him brought her to a halt.
Jeremy saw his love, playing with her fingers. He understood what she felt.He couldn’t even stop staring at her.She was so pretty and s#xy in that lovely underwear.Wow!
“Mrs Broderick,” he called out softly. “Come on.”
Purity took another deep breath and trudged forward,she got to Jeremy.
“You’re elegant,my wife.” He was excited.
“Thank you,”she answered shyly.
“What’s wrong?” he asked,concerned.
“Nothing… I…um,” she stuttered off.
“You wanna back out?”he teased.
“Thats good.’Cause I wouldn’t even let that happen.”He pulled her closer,”I’d teach you everything you need to know.Its something I’ve always wanted to do.”
Purity’s eyes widened.”You do? Since when?”
“When you stepped out of that bathroom, swaying your hips,seducing me.”
She laughed shyly.”You’re kidding.”
“Do you wanna talk more?”
With the peaceful and romantic setting at hand,Purity thought it wasn’t proper to talk.It was to do something.”I don’t think so.”
“Where do we begin, my love?”he asked,placing a kiss on her left hand.
She was beginning to shudder,the feeling was different,she’d never felt it before.”A Kiss?”she wasn’t sure.
“Ask for it.”

She smiled, the best ever, “Kiss me,” she asked, shamelessly.

Jeremy smiled at her. Kiss her and he did, laying her on the bed. “i love you, Purity Broderick.”

“I feel the same way,” she replied, between moans.



[Story] AFRAID TO LOVE (Episodes 51 – END)

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Mr Rock

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7 years ago

the story is sweet

7 years ago

Really doing a great job here,kip it up

6 years ago

best story ever, keep it up joor.

Enter your name...oluwabusola
Enter your name...oluwabusola
6 years ago

I really love dis story

6 years ago

Nice ending

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