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[Story] Life as a corper (Episode 1 – 50)


Life as a corper

Episode 21

“here is your money, i don’t need it again, thanks” she muttered and threw the five hundred naira i gave her the previous day, which left me speechless.

She instantly turned and made to leave, i grabbed her right hand and held it strongly,

“we need to talk” i muttered calmly,

“we have nothing to talk” she replied and struggled to free herself from my grip.

I quietly picked the money she threw with my left hand, and dragged her into the compound with my right hand. My surprised cousin who was about driving out that moment just gave us a curious look before shaking his head quietly, while Benita pretended not to see us.

I said nothing to them, dragged Olivia into my room and quickly locked my door,

“what’s wrong with you?” i asked,

“you should be the one to answer that question, i don’t understand you any more, abeg just allow me to go, i don’t need your insults any longer” she poured out, while i smiled and watched her.

“this is no smiling matter, free me abeg” she added angrily,

“do you know you made me very angry yesterday?” i asked,

“how? i don’t understand” she muttered with a searching look,

“i was very busy in my hometown yesterday due to some family issues, you kept disturbing me with your phone calls and later sent an annoying text message, what even gave you the idea that i switched off my phone in order to avoid sending you a recharge card eeh??” i asked quietly. She looked away and muttered something to herself,

“i’m not hearing you” i heard myself say to her.

“you never told me you were in your hometown, and was that the reason you left me standing in road??” she asked,

“i left you there so that you could feel how i felt as i waited for you to show up” i answered,

“ok i don hear, it still dosen’t change anything, i’m leaving” she threatened and walked to the door.

“one more round with this girl won’t be bad after all” i reasoned as a dirty smile appeared on my face. I stood up, drew close and held her waist.

“are you sure about leaving?” i asked as i kissed her ear,

“leave me jor, do you know how long i cried last night?” she asked. I didn’t answer but instead quietly reached for her b.o.s.o.ms and fondled them softly, which made her push me violently away from her body, but i was soon back, caressing and fondling, while she hit, bit and kicked me until her fury was spent….

We finally made love again, like two adults in love,

“please don’t try what you did yesterday ever again?” she begged as i rode her. But i really didn’t enjoy her like i wanted because mum called when i was still in the middle of the first round, making me instantly remember that i was ordered to meet uncle peter that fateful morning….

Episode 22

I really couldn’t answer mum’s phone call that moment. So I ignored it and quickly rounded up the early morning s#x i was having with Olivia.

As we dressed up, i noticed she still was carrying a sad look, which made me carry her on my laps.

“what’s wrong?” i curiously asked,

“i’m still not happy” she sulked,

“i thought we have settled everything?” i asked with a show of surprise,

“it’s about the recharge card” she muttered quitely,

“so what about it??” i asked calmly,

“what i do need is #1500 recharge card to renew my BIS subscription, which is the reason i brought back the #500 you gave me yesterday” she explained. I swallowed hard in silence, while my mind instantly made some quick calculations.

“why are you quiet?? Hope you still remember all your promises?, moreover my birthday is coming up in two weeks time, and i’m also counting on you for that” she added, My heart jumped.

However in order to discharge her, i unhappily added one thousand Naira on the money she returned. she happily kissed me and left soon after.

Minutes later I was in Uncle Peter’s elegant office located at okigwe road, where his cute assistant ushered me in.

Uncle Peter is a very old politican, who was very popular during the 2nd and 3rd republic {state level}. He really is a statesman with good breeding, though very cunny and never indulges in what he won’t benefit anything from, hence my scepticism when mum ordered me to meet him.

“good morning sir” i humbly greeted as soon as i stepped into his office,

“young Val how are you?” he responded with a well spread smile, equally offering his right hand for a handshake. I polietly shook hands with him before settling down on an empty visitor’s chair…

“your Dad used to be my very good friend, but he suddenly started avoiding me and some of our colleagues since January before he later died. What i did to warrant such behaviour, i really don’t know, anyway your mum told me everything currently going on in your hometown and i accepted to help. By the way what took you so long??, you kept me waiting for long” he complained as he stood up with his walking stick. I equally stood up with a look of confusion clearly written over my face.

“don’t give me that look boy, we are heading to your village” he muttered like an army general, my heart instantly skipped but i calmly followed him like a humble lamb…

Minutes later, we were at the rear seat of his mercedes suv while his driver drove us to my hometown, i really was unable to relax because i couldn’t help but wonder why he even was helping my family…..

Episode 23

we arrived my hometown by 10:45AM that fateful morning, and was soon at the Eze’s palace where we were recieved by our traditional ruler who equally is my cousin{same grandfather/surname}.

“i heard about what you did yesterday, who gave you the nerve?” he asked with a smile. I said nothing and nodded like a fool just the way Uncle Peter ordered before we got there.

{Just like some parts of Igbo land, disputes especially land matters are first reported to the village elders before being transferred to the king or higher authority if aggrieved parties feel unsatisfied with the elders judgement, however most times the elders decisions are always endorsed by the king and it’s very rare for a ruling king to pass a different Judgement}.

Francis was soon sent for, he appeared fifteen minutes later with a drawn jaw and angry look in order to give the impression that he is battle ready.

Uncle peter instantly seeked the King’s permission before calmly asking francis for a brief chat. He reluctantly obliged and they soon went outside the palace where they spoke for about half an hour.

I really don’t know what they discussed till this very day, but all i knew was that Francis instantly backed out after the little talk he had with Uncle Peter.

Finally before we left, the old gentleman with me gave our king an envelope which i knew contained unspecified amount of cash before we left.

“your family won’t be bothered again” he happily said to me as we returned to Owerri, but my heart truly was filled with lots of unanswered questions.

“come over to my office tomorrow, there are still lots of things you need to learn” he also said with a smile as i thanked him when we got to his office.

By 1:30pm, i was in school with some newly made friends who equally were in the same situation with me. We discussed for some minutes, while news that “the government already was looking into our problem” cheered me up.

With a happy state of mind i drove straight to Chinwe’s hostel, because I really havn’t spoken with her since i left her lodge the previous day, neither did she call to know the fate of my journey, which truly was very unusual, but i suspected nothing bad.

I was soon in her lodge where a surprised Chinwe answered my knock and prevented me from entering her room,

“i have a guest, come back later” she muttered coldly, while i speechlessly stared at her as sweat drained my body.

My lips found no words to speak, while my heart froze in shock, and my legs trembled terribly,

“didn’t you hear me? Please go” i heard her say again, but all i only cared that moment was just to see who her visitor really was. Then i saw him through the little space which the slightly opened door offered. He was dressed in a blue shirt and trouser, he obviously didn’t look like a student. His manner of dressing and look said it all, he probably was between twenty six to twenty nine years old. The pain i felt that moment was nothing compared to when a similar incident occured months ago. Many thoughts instantly filled my mind, and When she finally shut the door on my face, it dawned on me that her broken heart no longer was mine to control as i wished……

Has she finally been able to gather all the broken pieces of her heart? I wondered sadly.

Episode 24

chinwe’s action truly pained me, and i felt like breaking her door that moment.

I angrily left her lodge and drove straight home{my cousin’s house} with shaking hands.

“chinwe why are you doing this?, i thought i asked you to give me a little time?” i wondered sadly as i drove.

My mind wasn’t at rest through out the rest of that day. I tried watching tv, tried playing phone game, tried browsing yet my heart continued to pound furiously.

5:30pm when i was about falling asleep, My phone rang, jolting me back to reality. I gasped when i saw it was chinwe calling, and i truly was at lost whether to answer it or not.

“you can start coming” she muttered quietly, when i finally answered her call when it rang for the second time,

“it’s already late” i replied coldly,

“how about tomorrow?” she asked,

“my car developed a little fault this evening, can you come instead?” i heard myself ask. She kept quiet for a while and i felt she was going to decline.

“okay i’ll be there by 10:00AM” she calmly muttered,

“okay then, till tomorrow” i replied,

“please hope you won’t try anything funny?” she further asked,

“no” i heard myself say before she ended the phone call.

I really was surprised that she accepted to come, which made some funny thoughts enter my head, but as i slept later in the night, i discarded them.

I heard a quiet knock just outside the compound, i quickly rushed, opened the gate, and ushered her in. Even though we both smiled, the unspoken tension between us was very apparent, and for the first time another thought jumped into my head,

“perhaps there is something else which made her risk visiting me” i reasoned as we walked into the sitting room, because she really do know all about my temper, yet she bravely came after what she did.

“I think here will be okay” she said with a smile when we got to the sitting room { i tried to lead her into my room}. I shrugged in resignation. She quietly sat down, crossed her legs and stared at me.

“so how far?” she asked with a smile,

“i came to gist you about my journey yesterday, but you just turned me away because of that ugle fo.ol in your room, who is he anyway?” i asked,

“it’s none of your business and please don’t ever insult any of my friends again” she seriously warned, which kind of surprised me. with the direction our conversation was heading that morning, i knew things would soon go sour.

“perhaps Benita might be the lifesaver today” i reasoned as i calmly drew closer to her, while she stared at me with suspicion.

“where is Benita? I called her before coming” she asked with a little bit of fear in her eyes…..

Episode 25

“she isn’t around” i lied with a smile. She sat up nervously and stared all over the sitting room like a rat in the midst of angry cats.

“what’s wrong with you are you scared?” i asked,

“offcourse i’m, i don’t trust you any longer” she muttered,

“relax jare i won’t do anything to you” i muttered with a calm tone.

“about what happened yesterday, you should stop punishing yourself or bringing the impression that i’m cheating on you. Whatever behaviour you see me displaying is not your concern anymore, i have my life to live, just like you have yours. Moreover you choosed your own part a long time ago, so do let me choose mine” she poured out with a little fear in her eyes.

I calmly sat beside her and held her right hand,

“please is there anything i can say that will change your mind?” i humbly asked, but she just shook her head and quietly snatched her hand from my grasp.

“there is nothing, moreover i have tried for you Val. I stayed beside you, encouraged and satisfied you even after we broke up, so that you can have your fill and move on. Which girl will stay and do that for you?? I know you are very generous towards me, but i equally have my own life to live, so when an old family friend came knocking, i really have no choice but to accept him. He is very keen and ready to marry me once i graduate and yes is the guy you saw yesterday” she calmly explained, while i felt terrible, heart broken and jealous. I held my head with both hands while her words kept repeating itself inside my head. I felt like strangling her that moment.

I truly have often seen her as my property. Mine to control as i wished, but the seriousness of her speech, her gesture and behaviour that morning clearly told me that the remaining hold i have on her has been uprooted.

Benita came into the sitting room that moment, with a happy smile on her face while chinwe rushed and hugged her.

I looked up instantly and stared at Chinwe more closely. There really was a new sparkle in her eyes, and a new form of composure which i never have seen in her before. The happiness surrounding her was quite alarming.

“is she in love again??” i fearfully asked myself…..

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Mr Rock

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4 years ago

Mr Rock pls upload Perception of Reality.


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