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Erotic Story/Smoking Bass: The circle of perverts (Part 4)


There was a certain appeal of class that came with Benz and BMWs’ that no other brand of cars seem to have. But then again he was not buying a car for himself today, he was buying for his wife. And if he was buying for Ada, he had to consider the kids too. He…

“Will you take this one or just go with the Venza?” The salesman asked Edward again.

Edward did not answer but just stood there stroking his beards. He looked back at the Toyota Venza car he had seen earlier and back at the Benz before him. He was a Benz lover, had always been right from his childhood.

There was a certain appeal of class that came with Benz and BMWs’ that no other brand of cars seem to have. But then again he was not buying a car for himself today, he was buying for his wife. And if he was buying for Ada, he had to consider the kids too. He could always come back and buy her the Benz if the craving got too much for him besides it was going to be her or her driver at the wheels anyway not him.

“I’ll take the Venza” He sighed and turned to the salesman.

“Oh wonderful choice, sir” The Salesman quickly gave a fake smile. He could not help the disappointment in his voice though. His commission on the Benz would have doubled the what he was not about to receive on the Venza.

“So, how is the mode of payment going to be, sir?” He asked Edward.

Just as Edward was about to reply, his phone rang. So he motioned to his Personal assistant who was a few feet away to finish up with the salesman as he picked up his call.

“Hello” He started

“Hello, Mr Damijo. This is Mrs Ekene, the headmistress at Saint Oliver School” Came the voice at the other end.

“Yes, yes Ma’am. Hope no problem?” Edward’s heart rate stepped up a notch.

“No, no problem. Sir. I just wanted to know who is coming to pick up the kids. It is almost 5pm and we have not been able to reach Mrs Damijo” The headmistress explained.

“What?!” Edward did not know when he shouted.

The salesman and his assistant quickly turned around to face him.

“I am sorry, ma’am. I am on my way to pick them right now. My wife must have been caught up in something. I am on my way right now.” He ended the call.

What could his wife probably be caught up in that she forgot to go pick up the kids from school? She was always punctual, she never missed any occasion at their school or anywhere else.

“Get the driver to bring the car around” He barked at his assistant who took off immediately. The salesman opened his mouth to speak but seeing the look on Edward’s face, he closed his mouth back up.

Edward dialed Ada’s number, it kept ringing till his driver came around with the car and he got in. The call ended with no pickup from the other end. His assistant jumped straight into the car with him.

“Take me to the children’s school” Edward instructed his driver and in no time, they were on their way leaving the salesman with a huge frown on his face. He watched till the car was out of sight then he let out a barrage of curses and wailing.


Ada held on tightly to the steering wheel of her car and closed her eyes. What was she doing? She asked herself. She had been to Olumide’s office only to be informed that he had gone home due to a family emergency and she had called him up, he did not pick up.

And here she was parked in front of his house wondering just what she was doing here. She had seen his car parked right in the compound right next to a very familiar Range Rover. She could not tell where she had seen that particular colored Range before but she knew she had. The color was too unique to miss.

But that was not her problem, her problem now was what she was about to go do in another man’s house while she was married. She opened her eyes and the feeling between her thighs reminded her that she had no panties on. She made up her mind and got out of the car.

She locked up and walked into Olumide’s compound, wondering why he would never get a gateman. Whenever anyone asked him why, he always said he was a bachelor and intended to enjoy his life with no disturbance. Besides who was going to rob him, what did he have? He always joked.

Ada had always wondered how having a gateman constituted a disturbance. But then again, Olumide was always the weird one.

She walked up to his door and pressed up the door bell. There was no answer, she pressed up again. Then she heard the sounds of slapping from within.

She did not understand, was Olumide involved in some sort of fight or what could possibly be going on.

She did not press on the bell the third time, she banged on the door as hard as she could. It yielded results because in a matter of seconds, Olumide opened up the door and stood before her with a towel tied around his waist. She noticed he was all covered in sweat and opened her mouth to talk but no words came out.

“What are you doing here?” Came the question from him.

Her mouth was open but no words were forthcoming.

“Who is the goat banging on the door like that?” Came the female voice from within. And just before Olumide could turn back and answer, Aisha appeared right behind him with a towel also wrapped around her.

“Oh” was the word that escaped her mouth as she saw Ada.

And there was silence.

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