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[Story] – Adebimpe The Facebook Girl (Complete Season 8)


Adebimpe the Facebook Girl (complete Season 8)


I left Funmi’s office and I went out for lunch at my usual canteen, Funmi also gave me a thousand naira to buy a plate of rice for her. It was as if Segun had already known my break time, he sent me a message on BBM and we chatted online for several minutes.

ME: hi Segun, how are you?

SEGE: I’m fine Onihaxy. You didn’t call me again since you reached Lagos, hope you are good and how is Betty?

ME: I’m good. Betty is fine; she travelled back to UK for her studies this morning.

SEGE: really?, so fast?,

ME: yes, according to her school calendar, she had to resume immediately.

SEGE: that’s cool. Did you later propose to her?

ME: yes I did, it happened immediately Henry arrived because I reached there before him.

SEGE: that’s cool. What was Adebimpe’s reaction?

ME: she just smiled although. Betty called a meeting between the three of us earlier before the proposal and we discussed about the internet love that transpired between Bimpe and I. You need to see how Bimpe played along, that girl is a super actress.

SEGE: I told you na, that witch is a super liar. I knew she was going to act very well.

ME: funny enough, she told me privately that she was also hunting for you and vowed to kill you any day she sets her eyes on you also.

SEGE: hahahahahahaha.That witch?, I swear I will crush her to pieces. It’s going to be a game of the last man standing.

ME: well, I already told her the same too, so let’s see who kills who first.

SEGE: no problem now, just watch out for the two of us.
Segun and I chatted until I was through at the canteen. I stopped by at the usual eatery where I do buy Funmi’s food and purchased her rice. I delivered her food to her on getting back to her office before going back to meet my team members at our office. We continued with our work and I told Benita to wait behind so as to brief her on her duties and role as an assistant team-lead and I was surprised when she responded with a smile. I began to wonder why she was so happy about a post that doesn’t add anything to her salary. We closed for the day at around 6:30pm and it was time for everybody to start going home, I was so weak and tired as a result of the stress I went through that day, I have even forgotten that I told someone to wait behind at the close of business for the day. I was at the park and was about opening the door of my car when Betty ran after me shouting “ Onihaxy!!!!!!!!!, aren’t we meeting again?”, with sign of tiredness well written on my face, I apologized to her for not remembering and promised to see her the next day. She nodded in agreement as she opened the passenger door of my car and hopped in as I enter into the car and I was so shocked and surprised.

ME: ***surprised look **** but Benita, we aren’t going to the same route, why are you inside the car?

BENITA: Smiled who told you that we aren’t going through the same route?

ME: I knew because your route is towards the island while mine is down the mainland

BENITA: well, I’m going to check on my sister whom I used to live with before. I have some items to deliver to her from the village.

ME: but you never told me before now?

BENITA: Onihaxy!!!, but why asking all this questions?, ooooh. It seems you have another girl whom you want to drive home with abi?, it seems I’m disturbing or interfering something. Let me come down then and follow a “Danfo” bus.

ME: ***confused****come back and sit down here jor. I’m just curious because we have been together in the same office since morning and you never told me anything.

BETTY: ok, I’m sorry then.

ME: no problem *****started the car engine*****

I drove out of the bank and several thoughts began to run through my mind.
“ why am I always having problems with all this women?”
“ what does Benita actually want from me?”
“ Funmi’s problem is still hanging out there?”
“ Her daughter won’t let me rest on chats and calls”
“ Her mother also threatened war”
“ Adebimpe is there in Lekki with my 4 years old daughter and another baby in her womb”
“ Betty is also there whom I’m competing over with another guy”
“ why is my life so complicated like this?”
“ I just hope I will be free from all this web and live a peaceful life someday”

I was so lost in thoughts that I never realized that Benita was even talking to me. It was when I was about running into a bus that Benita screamed and I was able to regain consciousness.

BENITA: Onihaxy!!!!, what is the problem ?, you nearly hit that bus. You aren’t even replying my talks.

ME: I’m sorry dear. I am so weak and tired ni jor. To worsen the situation, I’m also hungry.

BENITA: eyah, sorry. You see now?, all this while, I have been begging you to teach me how to drive but you refused. Let’s assume I can drive now, won’t I suggest driving you home?

ME: ****smiled****

BENITA: is there any food at home for you to eat?

ME: I don’t think so. But I have foodstuffs at home.

BENITA: do have soup or stew?

ME: No.

BENITA: ok, stop by at the nearest market, we are going to buy some ingredients, we are going home together. Let me cook for you tonight.

ME: don’t worry yourself Benita; my brothers must have prepared something.

BENITA: Let me mind dear. I was the one seated here with you in the car when you were about running into another bus, I am the one who left the bank with you and everybody was aware. If anything bad happens to you, I will be the first person that people will ask questions from.

ME: but I am insisting that you shouldn’t bother yourself. I’m sure that my brothers must have prepared something.

BENITA: that makes it more interesting. The truth is that I am also hungry, let us go home together to eat. When I’m done, I will return to my sister’s house. It’s just 35 minutes journey from your house.

ME: ***chaii!!!!!, how do I discharge this girl now???****. Ok, I think we should stop by at one eatery or canteen to eat. I am sure it will sustain me till I reach home.

BENITA: hmmmm Onihaxy!!!!, you are just trying every possible means to prevent me from coming to your house abi?

ME: haba Benita, not at all, I already told you about my brothers and what they are capable of doing.

BENITA: Onihaxy!!!, are you sure it’s your brothers you are preventing me from seeing?, or your wife?

ME: wife?, I never told you that I am married now.

BENITA: then who was the girl that came to look for you the other day?

ME: which girl?

BENITA: the one that met me in your house, because it was since that day that you have started behaving awkward towards me.

ME: that girl?,Adebimpe ?, she is my sister

BENITA: she is your sister?, and her mood changed when I introduced myself as your wife?

ME: ***pulled a brake and halt the car***** what? , you said so?, no wonder!!!

BENITA: no wonder that what?

ME: she was just angry that I was keeping a girl in my house without her knowledge.

BENITA: ok, you have to seek permission from her first abi?, and is that why you stopped the car?

ME: starts the engine not really. You know she is my sister and she has always been the one helping me. I am just surprised that you told her that you are my wife.

BENITA: well, I didn’t tell her anything, I was just pulling your legs. But from the reactions you just displayed, I now understood the exact reason why you kicked me out of your house. Please, where I’m going to drop is just three junctions ahead. Please drop me off so that you can go home and meet your wife.
ME: haba!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Benita dropped from the car at the junction of her sister’s house with a frown on her face, not even a good night message from her and I was more confused as she banged the door so hard.
“ could this be jealousy?”
“ or could it be bitterness?”
“ let’s even assume that Adebimpe was my girlfriend, did she actually expect me not to have a girlfriend?”
“ or why could she be angry?”
I ignored her and I stopped by a road side canteen to buy food in a take away pack which I took home to eat. Later in the night, Betty and had had a long conversation as she was telling me about her travelling and arrival overseas. I resumed for work the next day and went to my office to have a meeting with my team as usual and I was surprised that Benita wasn’t smiling to me again, I greeted her and she didn’t respond as I expected her to do, she was warm with other member of the team but cold to me. Even during the interactive section when everyone was expected to contribute to the on-going discussion, she was the only one who refused to talk and I was more confused. After the meeting, I handed over the files to her and explained to her what her role was all about and she answered me reluctantly. During break time, she stepped out the canteen and the guys in my team who were close to me came to ask me questions.
“Onihaxy, what happened to your wife?”
“ why was she in that mood?”
“ what happened between both of you last night?”
“ I saw her in your car as you were driving out of office”
“ I’m very sure you went home together”
“ you must have dragged somethings together overnight”
“ Onihaxy the badoo!!!”
I just smiled at the guys as they continued to drill me with several questions, I had to excuse them and I went to another office to hang out with my colleagues over there. I never stop wondering about what could be wrong with Benita and the reasons behind her sudden change of attitude. Was she actually expecting me not be in a relationship after turning down my proposal requests?, or was she expecting me to remain single when she is already engaged?, I dismissed her thoughts from my mind and concentrated with my friends until when break was over and everyone returned to the office. Although the remaining working hours, she was on her own without talking to me, even at the closure of business for the day, she left the office without even saying “Good night”.
On the second day, she came late to work at 7:33 am instead of the regular 7:15am resumption time, I was trying to scold her for coming late and I was shocked when she shouted at me saying “ can’t you first ask me why I was late before scolding me for coming late?”. With a great shock in my heart, I never expected her to be this rude to me because it has never happened before. I didn’t beg her in the presence of other team members because I didn’t want to appear too weak before them so that others won’t take advantage of me and start coming late with the mindset that “since Benita could shout at the Team lead despite that she came late, let me also do the same thing”.
I frowned and shouted back at her that she shouldn’t talk to me in that manner for talking to her about her late coming, Benita worsen the situation by yelling back at me saying “ Mr Onihaxy, you may be the
Team-lead but don’t forget that we are all colleagues. I am not your younger sister that you can shout on anyhow, I expect you to first ask me why I was late in the first place before scolding me for lateness as if it has ever happened before, or have I ever been late before?, is that how other team-leads treat their members?”. I was furious and I was boiling inside of me, this is a public humiliation that shouldn’t go unchecked just like that before other people began to take advantage of me. I rounded up the meeting with a frown and anger look on my face, I opened my outlook and composed a query and sent it to her to answer in the next 5 hours and I copied my immediate boss who was the project manager. I sent the mail to her, I turned my chair around, held my glasses and faced Benita’s direction and I told her “Benita, I sent you a mail just now, kindly reply it in the next 5 hours”, I turned back to face my system and she replied my words saying “ I have seen it, expect my response soon” everyone suddenly shifted their attention towards us. Benita began to grumble with the lady sitting next to her and I wanted her to know that I wasn’t interested in her grumbling, I switched on the music player application on my phone and I first played the music on loudspeaker before plugging my earphone into the phone and I switched off the music but the earphone was still plugged in my ears in other to listen to the side talks. I guess they all assumed that I wasn’t hearing them as they saw me nodding my head as if I was listening to music and they started talking. Benita was the first to grumble.
“I don’t even know his problem”
“ is he the first person to become team lead?”
“ is it because he was lucky to be retained after our last project?”
“ see the way he was yelling at me”
“ do I look like her younger sister?”
“ He didn’t even ask me why I was late before he started shouting like a tout”
“ ……….hissed”
Another group brought up their own version of the gossips
“ and they were so close before ooooo”
“ only God knows what must have transpired between them”
“ I am very sure it’s not about lateness alone”
“ something else must have been involved”
“ they were even seen driving out together last night with smiles on their faces”
“ like mother like son”
“ his office mother too can issue queries on slightest mistake”
“ maybe he is displaying what he learnt from Funmilayo”
“ na their palava anyways”
“ it’s difficult to interfere into husband and wife matter”
“ they know where and how to settle things out between each other”
I was just smiling as the gossip and gist was flowing around the office.

episode 13

If you missed the part Twelve (12), read it HERE!!! Benita replied my query with some flimsy excuses, she said she entered a one chance bus and that she was robbed in the process and also been chased out of the bus after robbing her. she also accused me of not been caring enough to ask her the reasons behind her lateness before scolding her as it was her first time of ever coming late. She even said I was attempting to slap her before the other member of the team calmed me down. I was really wowed at the way she checkmated me with her lies and I couldn’t help but give up in the fight, my supervisor whom I copied in the mail even had to call me on the intercom to accuse me of not be caring about my team members. He blamed me for not making enquires before attacking and also scolded me for trying to slap her which I tried my possible best to deny but he wouldn’t believe me. “ Onihaxy!!, I have known you and Benita to be very close for some months now. Infact, we are all convinced and we believed that you were both in a relationship, so whatever happened in your relationship should be settled outside the walls of this bank and it shouldn’t reflect in your team work” that was what the supervisor told us when he later invited Benita and I to his office for dialogue. He resolved the issue for us and we both walked back to our office. While on the walkway, I tried talking to her to find out about why she was behaving strange but she never responded. Instead, she hissed at me and told me to send more queries to her and copy the bank manager. I was seriously dumb-folded and was really wondering. “Did she heard anything bad about me?” “but why the sudden change in behavior?” “ but we both left the office together yesterday night?” “ but what could have went wrong?” “ could it really be because of Bimpe’s issue?” “ But it’s been long since Bimpe met her in my room?” “ then why is she reacting now and not back then?” I returned to my desk and decided not to talk with anyone in the office. Infact, my mood was just so awkward as I was working on the Excel with music blasting into my ear via the hands-free. At about 5 minutes to break time, I received a mail on my system from Funmi and she told me to see her immediately it was break time, I saved my work on the system and stepped out of the office immediately. As I was going out, I could hear some background gossips going on that “it seems he is going to report to his mother”. I got to Funmi’s office and the gossip crew on the floor was trying to make a joke but I wasn’t really in the mood. I waved at them and entered into Funmi’s office and shut the door. I pulled out the visitor’s chair and I sat down in front of her. FUNMI: Onihaxy, what happened?, you came earlier than I was expecting. ME: nothing happened Funmi. I was actually bored in the office and your mail was a relief for me to stretch myself. FUNMI: and why are you frowning? ME: nothing. I am fine. FUNMI: are you sure that you are fine? ME: yes, I am. FUNMI: ok, have you settled the fight between you and your wife Benita? ME: surprised Benita?, How did you know we are having a misunderstanding? FUNMI: I was with your supervisor when you sent the query and copied him. But you said she was elected yesterday, then why the early problem between the two of you? ME: Funmi, I am surprised too. We still interacted very well yesterday, she suddenly changed today for no reasons. FUNMI: for no reasons?, common Onihaxy. How could she be reacting for no reason when she is not a mad woman? , Maybe it was as a result of what transpired when you both drove out of the office yesterday because I saw the two of you. ME: smiled Funny. I just dropped her off at the Junction of her Aunty’s house. FUNMI: but you told me that she no longer lived there again? ME: yes, that is true, she told me that she just wanted to visit her sister. FUNMI: I don’t trust you anyways. I believe the rift between the two of you is more of personal than official and there was more to the coming late issue. ME: I’m serious Funmilayo. FUNMI: that is your problem anyway. Like I have always told you, whatever differences or issue between you and anybody must be settled before coming into the bank premises . And in-case it couldn’t be settled, make sure you drop your issues at the entrance of the gate so as to concentrate more on your duties, you may decide to pick them up from the gate again later in the evening after closure of business for the day. ME: *smiled FUNMI: this is not a smiling issue. Infact, I will call your project supervisor right away to make sure that your work is been checked and vetted properly to fish out the beans you have cooked today. I am very sure enough beans must be inside your work. ME: ***laughed out loudly**** FUNMI: anyways, are you going out for lunch today? ME: yes. I will be going right away when I leave this place. FUNMI: alright. Please help me to buy a sausage roll and a bottle of coke while coming, make sure you bring my change ooooo. ME: ***smiled** but why aren’t you eating rice today? FUNMI: I’m tired of eating rice very afternoon jaree. I just feel like eating something else today. I collected one thousand naira from Funmi and left the office with smile on my face as a result of the humors from Funmilayo, the gossip crew was amazed that I interacted with them very well compared to when I was going inside. I arrived at my usual canteen to eat semo and egusi soup at N200 combination. I spend few minutes on my phone to chat with Segun about the recent happenings and he added to the humor, telling me that Benita was jealous because I didn’t press further in wooing her before giving up. Adebimpe also called me and we spoke for some minutes, she complained about how I wasn’t caring about her and her baby, she also said I don’t call her and I gave her the usual excuse of a busy work schedule. I left the canteen and went to the eatery where I always buy Funmi’s food, I got her order and returned back to the office to deliver her food to her. I was about going out when she called me back and said “Onihaxy, next Saturday is my sister’s birthday. I don’t mind if you can come to the event”. I replied her immediately that I don’t mind and she said we would see later for the address description to the venue and also the time of the event WATCHOUT FOR PART 14


I got home and was still wondering and disturbed about what could be going on between mother and daughter, I felt like calling Funmilayo but I didn’t even know what to say to her on phone, should I apologize for getting intimate with her daughter? , or should I ask her what went wrong between her daughter and her?. Coincidentally, Segun buzzed me on whatsapp as at that time and we start chatting.
ME: hello Segun
SEGE: how far with the party?, did you later attend it?
ME: yes, I went there but something strange happened and I am so disturbed right now.
SEGE: what happened?
ME: Adeola the daughter of my boss was really intimate with me at the party today to the extent that Funmi started staring at me as if I was a kidnapper.
SEGE: got intimate as how?
ME: we sat down together all through and she was so close to me throughout. Anyone would believe that we are dating; she even introduced me to her aunty as her boyfriend.
SEGE: Boyfriend?, despite all my warnings Onihaxy, you still went ahead to have fling with Adeola?, what is it with you and women sef?, wait a minute, have you gotten a new job?, or why would she get intimate with you if both of you aren’t been hanging out?.
ME: trust me Segun. I had nothing to do with Adeola, I was surprised too that I had to enquire from her on why she acted that way and she told me that it was an intentional act to make her mum feel pains, she said it was an equalizer to what her mum did to her earlier.
SEGE: this is so strange, why on earth will a girl want her mother to feel pain?, something is definitely wrong somewhere.
ME’: I thought as much too, I was even scared that I shouldn’t end up been a sacrificial lamb in the fist and Areola assured me that her mother dare not do to anything to me, and in case she did anything, I should let her know and she would avenge for me. The funniest thing was that, she told me that we would be acting as if we are dating and begged me to cooperate with her.
SEGE: Onihaxy, something is definitely wrong somewhere, you must find out and get to the root of the matter. Have you heard anything from Funmi after the party?
ME: Not yet.
SEGE: Just calm down till you reach office, don’t act as if you are feeling bad and wait for her to ask you questions. Be very smart to smell the real issue in your discussions, I believe that Adeola will tell you more details if you press further on her.
I ended the chat with Segun after few more conversations and I was expecting calls from either Funmi or Adeola but none came until I slept off. The next day, Adeola called me on phone and we spoke for like 10 minutes which was unusual, I could hear some background movements which indicated that Funmi was around. Adeola was calling me several sweet names and I was totally lost because I knew we had nothing together. I begged her to talk to me and she refused.
Monday came and I drove to the office at early hours because of the trainings we had that day, after our usual morning meetings, I received a mail from Funmi that I should report at her office immediately. With fear in my heart, I stood up from my seat and walked out of my office to meet Funmi. I waited for few minutes at the walkway to compose myself and gather some courage before going into her office. I pulled out her chair and sat down while Funmi was looking at me and smiling.
FUNMI: Onihaxy, thanks for your attendance at my sister’s birthday party.
ME: you are welcome.
FUNMI: Onihaxy!!,Onihaxy!!!, Onihaxy!!! how many times did I call you?
ME: three times.
FUNMI: what did I tell you about the relationship between you and my daughter?
ME: you said I should not go beyond brother to sister relationship with her.
FUNMI: then what is the meaning of the rubbish that both of you have been doing all these while?
ME: scared we didn’t do anything ma.
FUNMI: shut up Onihaxy!!!!, you didn’t do anything and you were both smooching each other all through the party?, you didn’t do anything and she introduced you to my sister as her boyfriend?, you don’t have anything together your picture is her current wall paper?, you didn’t do anything and you were both on romance call even in my presence yesterday?
ME: Funmi. I am surprised too; her recent act amused me that I began to wonder what could be wrong with her.
FUNMI: just shut up there!!!!.Onihaxy, in case you have forgotten, let me remind you. I was the one who made you in this bank and it won’t take me up to 5 minutes to end your career in this organization.
ME: but wait Funmi, she told me that……..
FUNMI: sssshhhhh. Just shut it there. I don’t want to hear anything from you again, this is just the last warning. The next time I catch both of you together again, just consider it that your career has end here. Now get out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.
I was so scared and it was just as if the ground should open up for me to enter into it. Funmi had never been this harsh towards me before, it was the very first time I would be seeing the other side of her. I was so trembled with fair that I remained dull when I got back to my office. Adeola called me few minutes later and I ignored the calls, she continued calling and I couldn’t pick up until she called me with a strange number and I picked up because I never knew she was the one calling.
ADEOLA: Onihaxy, why aren’t you picking up my calls?.
ME: It was intentional; I refused to pick it up.
ADEOLA: but why ?, have I done anything wrong?.
ME: Yes, you have done a lot.
ADEOLA: please tell me Onihaxy.
ME: hold on, let me step out of the office *I stepped out of the office and walked towards the rest room.
ADEOLA: I’m listening Onihaxy.
ME: your mummy called me into her office few minutes back, she was so mad at me about what transpired between us at the party on Saturday. She said she heard all our conversations yesterday and she threatened to end my career at the bank if she catches us together again.
ADEOLA: Really?, you mean my mum said all that to you?
ME: yes Adeola, you need to see her facial expression, it was like that of tiger. I have never seen her in that way before. Please Adeola, whatever the case may be between the two of you, please let it end. Or better still, let me out of the game please. Have mercy on me and save my career Adeola, you know the rate of unemployment in Nigeria right now, please don’t send me back to job market.
ADEOLA: it’s alright Onihaxy, I have already assured you that she won’t do anything to you and I mean it. Just give me only 5 minutes to place a call to her, if she didn’t apologize to you in the next one hour, just call me and inform me.
ME: I don’t understand you Adeola. Are u telling that your mum will apologize to me ?.
ADEOLA: I’m so sure about it. If she dares me and refused to do so, I’m so sure that she won’t like what will happen thereafter.
ME: but wait Adeola, what is actually happening?, as in, what is going on?
ADEOLA: I will tell you later, not now.
Adeola hung up on me and I went back to my office still wondering and trying to imagine what could be going on. At exactly break time, Funmilayo called me on intercom to see her in her office and I went there to meet her.
FUNMI: Onihaxy, please, I am so sorry for the way I talked to you in the morning, I was just tempered at that time and besides, I never expected you to be intimate with Adeola. She is just 19 years old and very young to be your sister.
ME: **amused
thanks Funmilayo. That is what I was about telling you in the morning and you walked me out of your office. Adeola is my sister and I have already assured you that I had nothing to do with her.
FUNMI: then why did you report me to her today after you left my office?
ME: I didn’t report you. She called me and I warned her never to call me again as I was about losing my job because of her, she said she would call you and talk to you. But I don’t understand, did both of you have any misunderstanding?
FUNMI: not at all, why did you say that?, did she tell you anything?
ME: she didn’t tell me anything, I just observed that it seemed something was wrong somewhere.
FUNMI: Onihaxy, are you sure that Adeola didn’t tell you anything?
ME: I swear to God, she didn’t. That is why I’m enquiring from you.
FUNMI: ok, you can go. Once again Onihaxy, I am very sorry for what happened in the morinng, and if truly there is anything between you and Adeola, please end it right away. I beg you in the name of God.
ME: ***smiled*** ok ma.
I left her office and went out to eat at my usual canteen. I was still lost and disturbed that I had to relate the matter to Segun on chat but he couldn’t find a clue, I returned to the office to continue with my work and few hours before the closure of business for the day, Adeola called me again.
ADEOLA: hello Onihaxy. How far?, has she apologized to you?
ME: yes she did. I was surprised that you said it will happen and it did happen.
ADEOLA: I already told you that she dare not try me.
ME: she even asked me whether you told me anything and I replied that you told me nothing. She was begging me to break any relationship I have with you.
ADEOLA: and what did you say to her?
ME: I didn’t say anything. I just smiled. Please Adeola, I am begging you in the name of God, please tell me what is happening between you and your mum.
ADEOLA: Onihaxy, it’s not something worthy of discussion. But if you insist, I will tell you whenever we see.
ME: can’t we discuss it on phone?
ADEOLA: it’s not a phone discussion. Can you come to my school this weekend?
ME: this weekend?,eeehmmmm no problem, be expecting me.

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