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[Story] – Adebimpe The Facebook Girl (Complete Season 8)


Adebimpe the Facebook Girl (complete Season 8)


All through the following week which was the last week in January, the rift between Benita and I was getting more intense that
we don’t even greet each other again. Despite the interference of my supervisor and some members of the team, Benita refused to
reconcile with me even though she was discharging her duties very well as the assistant team-lead. Funmi also suddenly began to
care about me like never before and Adeola also stopped calling me because she had returned to school and we couldn’t do any
show off to her mum again.
One afternoon during break time, I was on my desk when Betty called me and told me that we have something very important to
discuss about, she told me to join her on BBM and I did.
BETTY: hello baby, how is work going?
ME: I am fine dear and work is going well too. You said we have something to discuss, what is that?
BETTY: yeah, it’s not something difficult. I had a conference discussion with Henry, mummy Daniella and my grandma
yesterday, so I wanted to give you the feedback of our discussions. Though, we haven’t concluded yet.
ME: ok dear, what was the discussion all about?
BETTY: you know I will be rounding up with my studies in February which is next month, so we were strategizing on my next
movement, Henry suggested that you and I should wed secretly in Lagos and start living together but he will not appear in it and
will pretend as if he isn’t aware of it so that daddy won’t scold him, he promised to provide back up for us until we can stand on
our own.
ME: waoooh, that is cool. I’m so happy to have such a caring man as my brother in-law.
BETTY: hmmmm, then grandma said my daddy or the guy I got engaged to might send thugs to beat you up or harm you or
cause havoc in our marriage, so she suggested that I should take you home to daddy first and explain my mind to him, she said I
should pray before going to him and who knows, I might see his favor. Grandma was just worried about you; she said she doesn’t
want anyone to harm you.
ME: waooh, that is so nice of her, but that suggestion is very dangerous and risky, you know that you have already been
engaged to another man and your wedding plans are already ongoing ordo you think daddy is going to accept such change of
BETTY: I doubt it too Onihaxy, but I’m really scared too. I know that there is nothing he can do me, the highest he can do is to
dis-own me and pull me out of his inheritance which I am already prepared for. But I am more worried about your own safety.
ME: hmmmmmm, its’ well my dear, what about mummy Daniella, what was her own opinion?
BETTY: mummy Daniella said I should stay back in the UK after finishing my studies and try getting a job over here, she said I
should also try to arrange a job for you and then invite you to come and join me here and we should get married and start living
together, she said it will be difficult for daddy or the other guy to locate us because I must have broken all communications with
them and also relocate from my present city. And some years later, both of us can come back home with our kids to visit daddy
and he won’t have any option than to accept us.
ME: waoooh, that’s very brilliant of her. I never knew she could be this intelligent.
BETTY: see you, what do you take my wife to be?, do you think my brother married her for nothing?. The truth is that she is the
real brain behind our relationship; she has been the only one who has been encouraging me. I just wondered why she would be
that nice despite your misunderstandings.
ME: hmmmmmm
BETTY: I guess she is only trying to compensate you for the wrong she did in the past. Anyways, the whole family supported her
opinion and that is why I said I should inform you about.
ME: hmmmmm, that is cool. So, which of the three opinions is ok by you?
BETTY: I should ask you dear. You are the man and you are my head, anything you say is the final.
ME: I think we should go with mummy Daniella’s suggestion.
BETTY: ok dear, I will start the preparations and I will start pressing some buttons for your job here. But don’t you think it’s
ideal for you to visit my brother at home one of these days so that you guys can sit down and discuss this thing one on one like a
ME: yeah baby, I have always wanted to visit him but you know that I will be at work on Mondays to Fridays, weekends that I
am always free, he would he in Abuja.
BETTY: yeah, that is true, but just find out time one of this days to see him. You guys need to be so close in other for this plan to
work out successfully.
ME: ok dear. I will try.
We engaged in more chats before the closure of business for the day and I got home, relaxed and was lost in thoughts.
“what did I do to deserve Betty as a fiancé?”
“ I’m a poor boy and yet, she loves me and she is ready to take risks for me”
“ I don’t have anything and yet, she is dumping a millionaire because me”
“I just pray that nothing will break our love”
“ this one that Bimpe is given opinions to support me?”
“ I just hope that her offer didn’t come with any price”
“ the Bimpe that I know will never want me to go out of her reach”
“ how come she is the one pushing me out of Nigeria?”
“ it’s better sha. At least, I will travel out of the country and be free from her completely”
“ but what about Funmi and my job here in Nigeria?”
“ well, since Betty could make sacrifices for me, I don’t mind losing anything for her sake”.
On Friday of the same week, Adeola had called me to remind me of our meeting during the weekend which I promised her that I
was going to show up. I informed Segun about my plans to visit Adeola in school and he gave me some safety and security tips
which I adhered to. On Saturday, I drove out of home by 10am in the morning and went to Ibadan. I arrived at her school gate
and she came to pick me then we drove to her accommodation which was off campus. It was a nice single room self-contain
apartment containing nice interiors and electronic set. She entertained me with a can drink from her portable refrigerator and
we started talking.
ADEOLA: welcome Onihaxy, hope your journey wasn’t stressful?
ME: not at all, just that I have an event to attend on the island by 6pm today, so I have to return to Lagos on time.
ADEOLA: hmmmmmm, and I was thinking that you will be sleeping over tonight and return home tomorrow.
ME: sleep over keee?, so that your boyfriend will break bottle on my head abi?, and your mummy will the compliment it with a
sack letter abi?
ADEOLA: smiled funny you. Just pulling your legs anyways, my boyfriend stays in Lagos anyways, and he isn’t a violent
person. my9jarocks.info
ME: *so she even has a boyfriend?, then it means she had no feelings for me anyways, I am here now, can you please tell me
what is going on between you and your mum?
ADEOLA: it’s not something serious jaree. I just want to hurt her the same way she hurt me.
ME: you just want to hurt her?, As in?, what really happened that made her to become your puppet because I could see that you
have gained control over her.
ADEOLA: I have not started anything yet. I want to make her cry and shed tears.
ME: haaaa. Has it gotten to that?
ADEOLA: yes Onihaxy, and we are going to do this together. To be sincere with you, I have my own boyfriend whom I love and I
don’t have any relationship feelings for you, I just like you as a friend. But I just need you to fulfil my mission and I need your
cooperation. We will continue acting as lovers and I don’t want mummy to know that we are acting a drama. I want you to act it
as if it is real and trust me; she dare not do anything to you.
ME: I am still lost Adeola, what is actually going on?
ADEOLA: please Onihaxy, this thing is so disgusting and I want it to be a secret between you and I. apart from my mum and I,
you the only third party in this issue. Please, can you keep a secret?,
ME: trust me Adeola. Your secrets are safe with me.
ADEOLA: ok, I caught my mum red handed sleeping with a guy whom I introduced to her as my best friend last week Thursday
when I travelled home for my aunt’s birthday.
ME: what??? How come?.
ADEOLA: I didn’t inform her that I was coming, I came in late at past 10pm and I walked into her room only to find her naked
with the guy on her bed.
ME: awwwwwww. That’s so bad. But why would she do something like that?
ADEOLA: I wonder oooo. I don’t know oooo. It pained me a lot and I have vowed to make her feel pains by also flirting with
someone whom she likes too and that was how you became a perfect match for my revenge mission. So, let the game of love
ME: but what gave you the impression that she likes me?.
ADEOLA: ever since mummy started her banking career, I have never seen any of her staffs in our house or around her before,
she hardly talk about anyone else except you and she had already told me that I shouldn’t have anything to do with you because
you are more like her son and that makes us brother and sister.
ME: hmmmmm, Don’t you think it’s risky?, what if I lose my job in the process?
ADEOLA: you can’t lose anything. Instead, you will get promoted. I have warned her that nothing must happen to you or else,
the whole world will know what we cooked that burnt the house.
ME: hmmmmmmm ****see this girl!!, if only she knew that I have also been sleeping with her mother too***


After some sessions of discussions and gist, I left Adeola’s house in the evening and drove back to Lagos. On that Saturday
evening after reaching home, Henry called me on phone.
HENRY: hi Onihaxy
ME: hello sir, happy weekend sir.
HENRY: same to you Onihaxy, Are you in Lagos presently?
ME: yes sir
HENRY: ok, can you come to Lekki tomorrow?
ME: eeeehm, ok sir. Hope no problem sir ?
HENRY: not at all, just that grandma, Betty and I had a discussion recently and I’m sure that Betty had informed you already
because she told me that she did.
ME: yes sir,
HENRY: so, I want you to come around so that we can brainstorm together. I should be at home from 3pm downward because I
will be living Abuja on an early morning flight.
ME: ok sir.
Immediately after Sunday service at 11am, I drove to Lekki directly from church and I was able to arrive at my in-law’s house at
few minutes past 2pm. I met Adebimpe, Sarah and Daniella at home. Daniella was with her mummy in the living room while
Sarah was outside the compound sweeping the surroundings. Bimpe tried to offer food and drink to me but I lied to her that I
was fasting because I never trusted her. Daniella left her mum and came over to play with me and telling me stories about the
house and her school while Bimpe was busy staring at us.
Around ten minutes past three in the afternoon, we heard a car horn from outside, Adebimpe told me that it was henry and few
moments later, Henry came into the house. Daniella ran towards him, Bimpe also stood up and hugged him and I also greet him
too. “Onihaxy, you are welcome. I am glad you came earlier than my arrival, how have you been?” he said to me as he dropped
her bag for Bimpe who later carried the bag upstairs.
HENRY: *** hand shake****Mr. Onihaxy, you are welcome.
ME: thank you sir. How was your trip?
HENRY: it went well. Like I was telling you on phone yesterday, the whole family had a conference call to deliberate on the issue
on ground between you and my sister and I feel you need to be carried along.
ME: ok sir.
BIMPE: came down from the stairs to join us in the living room***
HENRY: **turned to bimpe
have you entertained MrOnihaxy?
BIMPE: thank you oooo, I wanted to entertain him and he refused. He said my meal can never be as delicious as that of his wife?
HENRY: Mr Onihaxy, don’t say that again, even Betty can attest to it that she can never cook a meal as delicious as my wife’s
meal. I have even caught her on several occasions learning how to cook from my wife in the kitchen. Mummy Daniella, is that
not so?
BIMPE: Tell him and let him hear.
ME: don’t mind her sir. I just told her that I was ok for now.
HENRY: No ooo, I won’t take that ****called on Sarah and told her to prepare food for us*** so as I was saying Onihaxy,
Grandma, Betty, my wife and I talked about the next move after her master’s degree program due to the fact that she was
already engaged to someone here in Nigeria and they are expected to get married immediately she finish her studies.
ME: ok sir, Betty had already hinted me about it.
HENRY: but since she had already made her intentions known to us that you are the one he wanted to marry and not the other
guy, I have no choice than to support her since she is the only sister I have.
ME: thank you sir, I so much appreciate.
HENRY: though you haven’t met our dad yet, but I believe you will meet him someday. I don’t want you to see him as been bad
or evil but sometimes, people of his class would always want to associate with other people of similar class. Not because of
wickedness or hatred for the lower class, but because sometimes, you have to mingle and rub minds with people of same or
higher class to keep and maintain a status. But what most parents failed to realize is that, grown up children should be allowed
to marry people they like irrespective of social class or backgrounds. You know why?
ME: why sir?
HENRY: it may take 50 year to build a fortune, but it takes just one night of robbery or fire accident to bring a millionaire back
to square one. Sometimes, money may vanish and it will take only true love to keep the union going in the hard times. I have
once been in this same situation before when I was in the midst of a strong decision, either to pick a lady nominated by my daddy
or a lady I love.
ME: hmmmmmmm
HENRY: yes Onihaxy. I am so happy that I went for the latter; my marriage is a blessing with a cute daughter to show forth.
ME: *****see this mumu, cute daughter indeed***** thank you so much sir.
HENRY: I just want to ask if you are ok by the plan and if you are ready to quit your job as soon as the plans are concluded?
ME: yes sir, my job and career are nothing compared with the love I have for my lovely wife.
BIMPE: ****smiled**** point of correction, she is not your wife yet because you are yet to prostrate to me in the open and also, I
am yet to receive tubers of yam from you.
HENRY & ME: laughed…….
HENRY: no problem, I am fully in support of you guys. Betty and I will first make a job arrangement for you over there and as
soon as that is done, she will come to Nigeria so that you guys can have a registry wedding and you will both fly back to UK to
continue your matrimony. But remember, I will not appear in the wedding neither will my wife also appear at the wedding scene.
ME: thank you very much sir.
I spent more hours hanging out with the family while henry called his sister on phone and she spoke with us via loudspeaker. I
resumed back to office the following week, we were having our usual Friday morning general team meeting when all the teams
do come together for a general meeting to share ideas and discuss about the work process. It was also an avenue to strengthen
inter-team relationships and settle any issue between or among various teams. The meeting was still on-going when Funmi
suddenly bumped into our office unannounced; everyone was worried because Funmi won’t come to our meetings on a good day
except when she wanted to complain about errors from the team and its member. She cut-in the ongoing discussion and took
over the podium, she greeted everyone and we all responded to her greetings.
Funmi appreciated everyone for a good job well done and she encouraged us to work harder, she reminded us that the project
would be ending in three weeks’ time. Lastly, she shocked everyone by saying that the management and the team leads are
watching everybody and there are eight permanent vacant seats to be filled after the project and the team-leads will be the one to
nominate candidates for the management who will further do proper assessment on people nominated by the team-leads. She
rounded up her speech and walked out of our office. While turning my head, I caught Benita staring at me and she was trying to
smile at me before I turned my head away from her direction. “yes!!!!!!, God don catch her……..”
After the meeting, we all resumed our work and I was stylishly looking at Benita and I observed that she wasn’t too comfortable.
Minutes later, she stood up and came to me with a file, telling me to put her through with the file and I was surprised. In fact,
the entire team was surprised to see her coming to me because it’s been long something of such happened. I ignored her but she
refused to leave my table while trying to smile at me and I had no choice than to answer her. I was more surprised that there was
absolutely no issue with the file; I just smiled as she walked away from my table and Immediately she left, the entire team
members started clearing their throats “ hmmmmmhmmmmmmmm”. During break, I was about stepping out to the canteen
when I received a call from Adeola, she said she wanted to speak with her mum. I asked her why she didn’t call her mummy’s line
directly and she told me that her number was unreachable, I told her to hold on while I rushed to Funmi’s office. I handed over
the phone to her while I sat down on the visitor’s seat in her office; they spoke for a while on phone before dropping the call.
ME: she said she called your line but it wasn’t reachable.
FUNMI: there is nothing wrong with my number; I don’t know why she lied about that.
ME: really?, that was what she told me oooooo.
FUNMI: well, I already got the message she passed across. That reminds me Onihaxy, you will be dropping me off at my house
today. my9jarocks.info
ME: **surprised*** what happened to your car?
FUNMI: it developed a fault and it’s with my mechanic, or did you see my car at the park today?
ME: I didn’t notice it sha, no problems ma.
“chaiiii, which kind complication be this?”
“ what if Adeola comes unannounced again ?”
“ won’t I be the person she will catch tonight?”


I left the office and went out to eat at the canteen while Funmi gave me money to buy food for her from the eatery. I received
chat messages from Segun and we started chatting.
SEGE: how far Onihaxy, how is work going?
ME: everything is going fine my guy.
SEGE: how is Adeola and Funmi?, have you later discovered what went wrong between the two of them?,
ME: yeah I did. I forgot to tell you. After mounting lots of pressure on her, she confided in me that she caught her mummy red –
handed sleeping with a guy whom she introduced to her mum as her friend.
SEGE: chaiiii, I thought as much too. I was just wondering what could be happening that a child would want to make her mother
feel pains. How did it happen?
ME: she said she came home unannounced and she caught them and that was why she was using me to play a game of love with
her mother.
SEGE: but why is she using you?
ME: I wondered too oooo, she said her mum didn’t want us to be close or have anything to do together. I think it’s an issue of not
mixing business with pleasure.
SEGE: hmmm, hope this girl has not been suspecting you with her mother sha?
ME: I doubt it. Because if she did, she wouldn’t have decided to use me
SEGE: was Funmi aware that it was a game?
ME: no ooo, Adeola begged me not to disclose it to her mum until further notice
SEGE: no problem anyways, just be careful in this game you are playing and don’t let it become a reality. And also, thread with
caution any day you are visiting Funmi, make sure all paths are cleared so that she won’t catch you too.
ME: yes boss, it’s just for a while anyways, I will soon be out of the country.
SEGE: really?, where are you going to?
ME: it’s a new development between Betty’s family and I. we deliberated and resolved that it will be safer for me to join her over
there than for her to come to Nigeria. Betty wanted to secure a job for me over there before coming to Nigeria for us to have a
registry wedding and then depart together.
SEGE: wooooh, sounded nice. Since when have you been planning this and you didn’t tell me?
ME: not too long anyways, I will give you more gists when I reach home.
SEGE: no problem, what about Benita?
ME: that girl?, I told you that we don’t talk again now. I don’t know why she suddenly began to behave funny.
SEGE: abeg let her be jaree. She can go to hell. Let’s talk later in the night.
I finished up with my food, suspended the chat and returned to the bank. I stopped by at Funmi’s office to drop her food for her
before returning bank to my own office. At the close of business for the day, Funmi called me and begged me to give her 30 to 45
minutes to finish her report and I waited on my seat, watching all my team members as they were departing one after the other.
Only Benita was left in the office seated on her chair, pressing her phone and smiling to herself. she was stealing a side glance at
me but I ignored her completely by plugging my earphone into my ears and moving my head in the rhythm of the songs as I was
browsing on the system. 25 minutes later, she stood up from her seat and came to meet me, rest her butts on my desk and
looking into my eyes. I was surprised and removed my earphones to hear what she has to say.
BENITA: I have been calling you since morning and you aren’t responding.
ME: calling me?, well, as you can see, I was on earphone . And why are you calling me if I may ask?,
BENITA: smile Haba, can’t I call on my boss again?, or is it now against the rule of the bank?. Anyways, I just want to
remind you that next week Tuesday is my birthday in case you have forgotten, I am expecting my gift.
ME: gift?, from me?, I am surprised anyways.
BENITA: **smiled*** surprised that I am asking you for birthday gift?, well. You must give me my gift either you like it or not.
Or else, I will let the whole office know that you impregnate me and you aren’t willing to take responsibility of the pregnancy.
ME: ***burst into laughter*** Benita, please start going home.
Benita was forcing herself on me until she left. I was alone in the office, chatting with Betty on BBM until few minutes past 8pm
when Funmi called me to inform me that she was set to go. I had to call Adeola on phone before leaving the office to stylishly
tease her about her present location and from the background voices and the information I deduced, she was in her room as the
voice I heard was that of her neighbours which she introduced to me during my visit to her school in Ibadan. To be very sure, I
requested to speak with them and she passed her phone to the two ladies one after the other and this gave me a perfect assurance
that the coast was clear. I stepped out of my office and went to meet her in her office before we both walked out to the park
together, we entered into the car and I drove out of the bank.
While are on the road, Funmi requested that we should hang out at the previous spot we used the other night we went out
together. I refused but after several pleas and pressure from her, I accepted to go out with her with a condition that she won’t
drink more two bottles and that we are going to leave on time, she laughed out loudly saying I was feeling like a boss. We
arrived at the spot, located empty seats and we ordered for drinks and pepper-soup. I was sipping my Energy drink while she was
taking her bottles of Guinness stout. I keep on checking the time because I didn’t want to go home late and when it was few
9:30pm, Funmi was already on the third bottle and I hurried her to finish up and let’s start going home. To my greatest surprise,
Funmi wasn’t intoxicated and drunk unlike the last time and this made me to believe that everything that happened that day was
a scripted play. Before we left the venue, a young man saw her from afar and waved at her before coming over. As he came
closer, Funmi stood up and excuse herself from me to meet the guy and they hugged so passionately.
“ that guy was too young to be in same level with Funmi”
“ he even called her sweet mama”
“ no doubt, the guy must be one of her sugar boys”
“ but why is this woman behaving like this now?”
“ why can’t she just re-marry instead of hopping from one young guy to the other?”
I was still lost in my thoughts when she came back to meet me and told me to let us go, she paid the waitress and we left. We
were delayed by heavy traffic and before we could reach her house, it was already nine minutes after 11pm. I wanted to go back
home that night but she teased me to sleep over since the next day was Saturday and it wasn’t a working day.


I took a deep breath and sat down in her living room as I have no other choice than to stay back that night. even if I wanted to
go back to Maryland that night, I would arrive at home late in the midnight and the house gate must have been locked, my
landlord would even be mad at me because it had been stated in the agreement he gave me that the gate opens by 4:30 am and
closes by 11:30 pm in the night. I was even so weak to drive back home as a result of the stressful day in the office and I had no
option of arguing with Funmilayo when she urged me to stay back in her house. She went inside her kitchen to prepare
something while I was still seated and sending a message to my landlord, informing him that I won’t be coming back home that
night. Funmi came out of the kitchen and told me that the food would soon be ready, she asked me if I was going to eat before
having my bath or I was going to bath before eating, I replied her that I would eat first and she went back into the kitchen while
I was still surfing the internet. Bimpe was also chatting with me at the same time, telling that she was lonely and wishing that i
was with her, I told her to always go with her husband to Abuja every weekend to avoid loneliness. she also told me about my
traveling documents processing plans which henry and Betty had started working on, I was still on the chat when Funmi called
me over to join her at the dinning. I dropped my phone on the chair of the living room and went to meet Funmilayo at the
dinning. She had served semovita and Egusi soup. We started eating and got talking.
FUNMI: Onihaxy, hope you are enjoying the meal?
ME: yes boss, I am.
FUNMI: stop all this boss of a thing my friend, we aren’t in the office.
ME: smiled
FUNMI: so, how is Adeola?, when last did you hear from her?
ME: shocked*** it’s been a while oooooo.
FUNMI: a while?, well, I saw the picture that both of had together at her school, so it has gotten to the extent of going to visit
her in her school?
ME: *** still shocked
me?, had picture with Adeola in her school?, when?
FUNMI: **** opened her phone gallery and showed me the picture****** look at this, she used this as her whatsapp display
picture since Monday and I saved it.
ME: ****cracked my brain to manufacture lies*** ooooooh, I remember. I actually went to Ibadan last weekend for a friend’s
wedding, you can see in the picture that I was putting on native attire, she called me when I was at the party and that was when
I told her that I was in Ibadan, she later asked me about my location in Ibadan and fortunately, the venue of the party was two
streets away from her house. That was why I stopped over to see her before returning back to Lagos.
FUNMI: hmmmm, and since last weekend till now, you couldn’t tell me that you went to visit your girlfriend in Ibadan?
ME: girlfriend?,Adeola is my sister ooo.
FUNMI: you are a liar Onihaxy. Do I look like a kid or a toddler?, I believed I have begged you enough to stay clear of this girl
and I gave you reasons why you should do so.
ME: hmmmmmmm
FUNMI: firstly, she is still in school and need not to be distracted in other for her to study well and have good grades .Secondly;
she is still young to handle a relationship for now and lastly, it’s a taboo where I come from for a man to have an affair with a
mother and daughter, such men don’t excel in life and that is why I am more concern about your destiny and prosperity.
ME: believe me Funmilayo, Adeola and I had nothing together.
FUNMI: Onihaxy, just name your price, I am ready to pay you any amount to back off this girl, please!!!!!!.
ME: ****smiled*** I’m serious Funmi, we aren’t having any affair, she only said she needed someone to lean on at the moment
and that was what brought us closer.
FUNMI: what did she tell you about me?
ME: about you as how?, in what way?,
FUNMI: I mean, what did she tell you recently about me?
ME: nothing really, she only said both of you had a misunderstanding.
FUNMI: really?, what did she tell you that the misunderstanding was all about ?.
ME: honestly, she didn’t tell me anything further, she only said it was a private issue between the two of you
FUNMI: don’t mind her Onihaxy, she came home and asked me for a huge amount of money to buy things that will not add any
value to her life and academics which I refused to give her. That was when she started acting funny.
ME: really?, what thing could she need the money for and how much is the money?
FUNMI: don’t worry about that Onihaxy. That is not the real issue on ground. The main issue is that you should please, back off
from my daughter and let her face her studies. And since you and I already had something together, my daughter is a no go area
for you. Please pity your destiny and avoid calamity.
ME: ***chaiiiii, see sweet liar ooooooo**** ok ma, I have heard you.
We finished with the food and I requested to have my bath, she told me to use the shower in her room because the one in the
guest room wasn’t working and Adeola had locked her room. I had no choice than to use the bathroom in room. I pulled off my
shirt and trouser in the living room and dropped them on the chair; I went into her room with my boxers and singlet on me. 3
minutes after shutting the door of the bathroom, I heard the sound of the room door been shut and I heard the turning of key
sound. After the shower, I came out of the bathroom and met Funmilayo tieing a white towel around her waist and holding
another towel which she gave me to use in cleaning up before she later entered into the bathroom.
I looked at the wardrobe which was open and I saw my cloths been hanged inside it, I looked at the door and realized that it has
been locked and the key wasn’t inside the keyhole. It was then that I knew that I had signed a deal for a marathon s#x league. I
waited patiently for her to return from the bathroom and I pounced on her, giving her so hot more than what she was expecting,
from sucking, to missionary, then woman on top to doggie style. The s#xual escapades ended at some minutes past 2am before
we both slept off. I woke up in the morning around 6am, dressed up and managed to drive back home to Maryland.
I was so tired on getting back home that Saturday morning that I just lied down on my bed and slept off without even locking
my door with keys. I had slept off so deeply until I felt someone tapping me on my back. I managed to open my eyes and I saw a
woman’s hip on my bed. Out of curiosity, I lifted up my eyes to see the mysterious lady that entered into my room and behold, it
was Benita sitting right beside me on my bed with a cleavage revealing top and a very short gown. I was like “God, what did I do
to always deserve temptations from this girl, what does she even wants from me?”.

“when did you get here?”
“how did you enter?”
“ and why are you here?”
BENITA: take it easy now, one question at a time
ME: just answer my questions please
BENITA: ok oo, I tried calling you when I was coming but your number was switched off, and when I reached here, your door
wasn’t locked.
ME: why are you here?
BENITA: I am just bored at home and I decided to come here and check on my boss. Or aren’t you the one who said members of
your team should always check on one another?
ME: ok thanks, you can now go.
BENITA: calm down now Onihaxy. Aren’t you tired of fighting?
ME: me?, fighting?, the last time I checked, you were the one who said you will never have anything to do with me again, so you
can go now.
BENITA: even if I am going to leave, won’t you entertain me before I go?
ME: I don’t owe you any entertainment Benita, you visit is an unwanted one.
BENITA: smiled I don’t know why I am wasting my time talking with you as if I don’t know the way to our kitchen ****stood
up and was walking towards the kitchen***
ME: frowned stop there Benita, don’t even try to step into that kitchen otherwise, you won’t like what I will do to you.
BENITA: smiled againmy own Onihaxy that I know will never raise his hand to hit a woman no matter what, and I still
believe he is still the same man that I use to know. prove me wrong by slapping me on my face,
ME: **I was tempted to hit her but I had to control my anger*** Benita, please leave my house right away.
BENITA: won’t you first ask me the reason why I am here in the first place before you chase me out?, or do you think I am here
for nothing?, that was exactly what caused the last issue. Not making enquiry before taking actions.
ME: ok, why are you here then?
BENITA: now you are talking. But before anything, let me fill my stomach please, I am hungry. What do you have in your
ME: ****silent and relaxed***
BENITA: don’t worry ehn, I will sort out myself in our kitchen.
Benita left me and went inside the kitchen, I was boiling so hot inside of me and it was as if I should strangle her to death. I
heard the sound of the Indomie carton been opened and I heard the sound of pot in the kitchen. 15minutes later, Benita came out
of the kitchen with a plate of noodles containing two eggs and two forks. She placed the tray on my bed
BENITA: let’s eat Onihaxy
ME: I am not hungry
BENITA: please now, I can’t finish this meal alone please.
ME: throw it away then. my9jarocks.info
BENITA: *****smiled as she continued to eat her meal until she couldn’t eat anymore and dropped the rest on the floor******
ME: I am listening ma, why are you here.
BENITA: why did you eject me from your house Onihaxy?
ME: I told you I have people living with me.
BENITA: stop lying Onihaxy. Before I woke you up, I really took my time to go through the whole room, and I couldn’t find any
foreign or strange material or property. Everything I saw was what i knew to belong to you. Come out straight Onihaxy and tell
me that you chased me away because of your wife.
ME: the last time I checked, I never told you I was married, or did you see any ring on my finger?
BENITA: then who was that girl that met me in your room
ME: my ex-girl friend
BENITA: ok then, why exactly did you refused to let me stay here with you when I resumed for the project.
ME: because I couldn’t bear it anymore. I asked you out and you refused, I was always tempted every night that I had to sleep
and wake up with erections.
BENITA: oooooooooh, now I get you, now I understand. But wait, let me ask, do you really want to date me or you just want to
use me in satisfying your urge while we were together?
ME: I wanted to date you for real, and also, I was always tempted every night.
BENITA: but I already told you that I am engaged in a relationship. I can’t cheat on my man Onihaxy.
ME: its fine then, no problem. I wish you all the best in your relationship.
BENITA: so, you mean you can’t accommodate me in your house unless s#x is involved?
ME: that’s the pure truth. I can’t continue to live under the same roof with a girl who is not my family and she won’t expect me
to have urges and erection, I am not an impotent man neither am I a bishop.
BENITA: I understand you so much Onihaxy, I felt your pain so much that I knew what you were passing through. I wish I could
repay you for all the things you have done for me in the past. you accepted me in your house when my sister evicted me.
ME: it’s fine, it’s alright.
BENITA: what if I give you a chance in my heart and give you a trial, will you be able to bear me double dating?, because I can’t
leave the other guy. read more at my9jarocks.info
ME: its late Benita, I have been seeing another girl.
BENITA: waooh. You don’t mean it?, tell me about her.
ME: her name is Betty, she is staying in the UK
BENITA: hmmmmmmm, overseas relationship.
I briefed Benita about Betty and we managed to settle our misunderstanding that day. When it was evening time, she said she
was going to spend the night with me for the last time. I smiled and didn’t say anything. When it was 10pm, I picked my phone
went out to the living room while I left her to sleep alone in the bedroom. I overheard her having her bath in the bathroom but I
ignored. I lied down flat on the chest on the rug and was almost dozing off around 10:30pm when someone tapped me on my
back; it was Benita putting on only her pant and a white singlet unveiling her breasts.
BENITA: why are you here and not coming inside Onihaxy ?
ME: I am fine here Benita, it’s better not to perceive the aroma of a meal you know you can never taste out of it.
BENITA: ***smiled and caressed me on my chest**** don’t worry Onihaxy. I have thought about everything I have put you
through in the past and I have decided to compensate you tonight.
ME: really?. ****my dick signaled immediately
BENITA: yes, I mean it. Let’s go to the bedroom and let me feel you inside of me.
I stood up immediately and I followed her into the room, she pushed me to the bed and sat down on my boxers and we started
kissing and smooching each other until her bra went off and my cloths also went off, I pulled my boxers downwards, shoved her
pant sideways and we rode on a “woman on top” hot s#x. We continued at this position for some minutes before she stood up and
pulled off her pant completely, she knelt down on the bed and I positioned myself at her back and we embarked on a journey to
Doggie Island. The whole s#xual session lasted for almost 35 minutes before we cuddled each other to sleep. The next day, Benita
left at 10am in the morning after we had rounds of breakfast s#x.

During the following week at the office, everyone in my team was surprised to see Benita and I talking together again. Starting from the first meeting we had on Monday, Benita made sure that she sat down directly beside me.

During break time, she made sure that she followed me to the canteen. When we were returning back to the office, the members from the other team were surprised to see us walking together and laughing to each other as we were having discussions, that was how the rumor spread to the other teams that Onihaxy and Benita had reconciled.

On getting back to my seat, I continued with my work until 15 minutes later when I received a call from my supervisor to see him in his office.

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