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[Story] Life as a corper (Episode 151 – 200 Final Episode)


Life as a corper

Episode 171

“so you are the guy messing up and decieving sister Oge?, i never knew you were that devilish when i stupidly gave you my phone number” she said angrily, stunning me with her words.

“Sister Oge?” i murmured, staring at her with confusion. She scoffed and drew closer.

“stop displaying that silly look, you very well know who i’m talking about. The lady you just left her office, what’s her name?” she asked.

“Tessy” i answered with a raised tone,

“whatever,” she said, flicking her hand in an annoying manner,
“please allow her to train her children with the money her husband left her. Stop decieving and duping her” she warned coldly, deeply annoying me with her insolent behaviour.

“I beg your pardon, stop the insult please. Better ask your ‘sister Oge’, what i do with her and stop ranting rubbish. Is this how you go about embarrassing every guy you see with your so called sister?. Where are your manners little girl?” i shouted at her. She stepped back a little and stared at me with confusion.

“if there is someone decieving your sister, better investigate properly before pouncing on anyone. d–n i can’t believe i got attracted to someone like you” i barked like a gentleman, totally ripping her apart with my words. She looked away with embarrassment, too stunned to talk.

But seriously she really had guts to confront me. A very foolish behaviour from a girl with class. However the way i shouted at her made her realise her mistake, but thinking of it, perhaps she really came out to vent her disappointment or talk to me, camouflaging her motive with the accusation. Well a lady’s mind is very complex, she alone knew what was in her head that moment.

“alright, perhaps i’m wrong” she murmured with embarrassment, turned and headed back towards Tessy’s shop. I breathed deeply and smiled.

“hey wait, not so fast. You know i lost your phone number, that’s the reason i havn’t been calling” i lied. She stopped without turning,

“there isn’t any need having it. I will be leaving for school on wednesday. So just forget about it” she answered.

“which school?” i asked curiously,

“Abia state University” she answered and headed back to Tessy’s office, leaving me a bit stunned with Joy. There really was something about her that always made my spirit high.
“wow we will meet in the east” i smiled, confidently.

Three minutes later, the twins headed out from Tessy’s shop and left, while i went in to meet Tessy, who was already on her feet, a handbag slung on her shoulder.

“seems like those girls are family?” i curiously asked,

“sort of, their mother is my godmother and we are very close. They see me as their big sister” she replied with a smile.

“let’s go check my new project” she said as left the office with me….


We arrived at her house by 6:30pm very tired and exhausted. My respect and admiration for Tessy grew after being taken round all the businesses she ran. It was a very busy day for us and i couldn’t help but also notice her good memory when she was having a brief chat with one of her workers earlier in the day.

We were very surprised to see Elinor when we walked into the sitting room, and she too was extremely surprised to see me, but cleverly hid her surprise with a calm smile.

“Elinor dear, i know we have a lot to talk but please let’s leave it for tomorrow” Tessy politely said to her. She quickly nodded and stood up.

“very well then” she said with a smile, giving me a cold look as she left.
I quietly walked to the guest room, where i quickly relaxed, while Tessy spent sometime with her children.

I couldn’t help but wonder what was going through Elinor’s mind that moment. I never bargained on meeting her in such a surprising manner.

Tessy came to see me later in the night, with a bundle of naira notes which she held on her right hand. She quietly sat at the edge of the bed and stared at me for a while.

“i guess you are sleeping here?, i can’t force you to come sleep in mine” she said calmly, while i kept quiet.

“here is the fifty thousand i promised you” she said, dropping the money by my side.

“i always keep my promise, not like you, and i can never take advantage of you, just like you are doing to me. It’s not a crime to be divorced. It’s not a sin to be without a husband. Good night” she said with a very soft voice as if she was holding herself from crying, slowly got up and left the room, while i closed my eyes unable to say anything.

I really can’t write how i felt that moment. It was no fault of hers that she was madly in love with me.
Even though i wanted to be free from her. I was incapable of breaking her heart.

“how do i free myself from Tessy without hurting her?” i wondered as i tossed around on my bed. I was unable to sleep, my thoughts wandering to and fro.

Early the next morning, Tessy came into the room, lowered herself beside me, breathing deeply.

“Good morning, hope you slept well?” she asked,

“yea, good morning” i answered calmly.

“are you still leaving today, or have you changed your mind?” she asked with expectation. I breathed deeply and drew close to her.

“yes i’m leaving this morning. You know i’m still a corper, and i don’t want running into any problem at my PPA” i answered and explained.

“and when am i seeing you again?” she asked,

“in two weeks” i answered softly, even though i knew i wasn’t going to keep my word.

The only solution i came up with the previous night was avoiding anything that could lead me back to her, which invariably meant that if i was willing to free my soul and body from her influence, the best thing to do was to leave Abuja and never come back. A hard but wise solution, which i barely knew how long i could keep. I had great love for the capital city and so deciding to stay away from it, really was a harsh decision.

“alright i will drop you at the bus station, whenever you are ready” she said with a forced smile. There wasn’t any doubt that she was unhappy, she was bravely suffering in silence, which really got to me.

As she tried to stand up, i pulled her back on the bed, kissing her strongly, my hands fondling and caressing her sleek body with great abandon.

She moaned and wriggled, trying hard to control her surging emotions. Within minutes, i got her unclad and ready for action.

“oh ahhhhh dear, you never seize to amaze me” she sang as i turned on her engine. In a twinkle of an eye, we got down to the main act, where i devoured and ravaged her to my fill.

To me it was a sort of good bye s-x, but to her it was like those moments i brought out time to satisfy her. Oh yes i made sure i left her Very satisfied.

Two hours later she happily dropped me at the bus station, with a look of fulfillment in her eyes.
“i really don’t know what came over you this morning, but thanks all the same. I totally enjoyed it. You are the best” she said to me. I smiled and alighted from her car, happy that i left her satisfied with my goodbye s-x.
“are you actually sure it was a good bye s-x?” an annoying part of me asked.

Elinor’s phone call soon broke my peace of mind, as i headed to Owerri in a sharp, fast running bus. I knew the reason she was calling, i breathed deeply and answered.

“hi Elinor, i’m sorry about Saturday, i was forced to be with her. I have now left for good. You won’t see me again with her. I promise” i said before she could say anything.

“alright, i do hope so” she murmured and hung up, leaving me with a very big doubt which quickly returned to my mind.

“is it actually the end with Tessy?” i wondered as the bus headed to Owerri. The fifty thousand Naira She gave me, safely in my trouser pocket.


I had a hard time staying at my PPA without any plans of visiting Abuja. It equally was very painful because my car wasn’t with me. I felt incomplete being there without my ride.

However as days sped by, another idea came into my head. An idea which soared my restless spirit very high.

The idea that came into my head, was all about renting an apartment at a very decent part of Owerri. A place i could use as a safe haven, a place i could stay whenever i visited Owerri.

My cousin’s house {chinedu season 2A} had always been like a second home to me, whenever i was at the metropolis, but he wasn’t a full time bachelor anymore, and we wern’t close as we used to be since his status changed. Yes i still was very much welcomed in his home, but i thought it wise to secure an apartment for myself. Silly or not, the idea stayed in my head till i contacted a friend who directed me to a very good agent.

Three days later, the agent called to tell me about an empty apartment in Ikenegbu, part of owerri. I rushed into town the next day, saw the house, a newly built two storey building which had two bedrooms, plus a sitting room, small kitchen and toilet per apartment. It was just the type i wanted, even though the price tag on it was way too exhorbitant. I however paid for it, {including the agent fee}, secured the apartment and returned to my PPA.

Seriously it drained a lot of money from my family’s account, and i still had to find a way of withdrawing another lump sum in furnishing it. All these i did within few days of returning to my PPA, without seeking advice from anyone. To me i felt i was doing the right thing, even though i equally knew it was a very extravagant deed.
But In order to satisfy a part of my conscience, i refused furnishing the apartment until i was able to squeeze out money from another source. Hmmmm which other source? Nysc allowance??? Funny….


Tessy’s phone calls however intensified after the end of the second week {that i promised her}. She kept appealing, and using sweet words each time she called. Reminding me that i was breaking my word all over again.
“don’t make me believe that your word isn’t worth a penny” she always ended up saying.

I was seriously, tempted. My soul, spirit and body was willing, but somehow i still managed to stay back, counting the days.
I needed a big distraction to keep my mind busy, but there really wasn’t any.
The insolent twin that almost insulted me few weeks back, soon came to my mind. I tried establishing a relationship with her but was unsuccessful. She kept insisting i come to her school first, something i wasn’t ready to do, at least not without my ride.

Staying at my PPA for three weeks at a row without my car, surprised everyone especially mum, my immediate younger sister and Adaora, who was a bit suspicious but happy that i had truly changed. Perhaps it was her suspicion that made her decide to pay me a visit. A very surprising one, because she actually informed me of her intention, a day before arriving.

“dearest, i’m going to stay three weeks with you” was the exact words she said to me, when she was safely in my little room. But i couldn’t believe her.
I instantly laughed it off as a funny joke.

“one thing was certain, she won’t be able to survive three weeks in that hell-hole, or could she??” hmmmm

The first week went by slowly and uneventful. We enjoyed each other’s company, and lived happily. We never had any problem because i behaved nicely.

However Tessy’s annoying phone calls could have jeopardized the whole fun, had i not cautioned her in a very disrespectful manner.
After discovering that i wasn’t going to keep my word about travelling to be with her. I had hoped that her phone calls would reduce, but on the contrary, it increased tremendously, forcing me to finally shout at her, when i couldn’t stand the calls any longer. Moreover i was with Adaora in a single room and there wasn’t space for any sort of privacy.

Tessy couldn’t believe her ears the day i shouted at her. I told her that our relationship has ended, and that i won’t be coming to Abuja ever again to see her.
“Please forget about me, i can’t continue with the relationship anymore” i ended up saying.

“just like that val?, just like that?” was all she was able to mutter after a prolonged silence. I ended the call without giving her any reply, and i knew for the first time she realised that i was very serious. She never called me again throughout that week, something i so badly wanted.

However It really wasn’t my mind to end our relationship in such manner, but i had to do everything possible to safeguard my relationship with Adaora, moreover i had no future with her.

The rest of the week went very fine, even though Adaora complained i was paying less attention to her and always busy online with my computer. She never for once suspected i was writing about her. Lol

My corper friend Jenny, was another person she wasn’t comfortable with, but Jenny being a very smart girl kept her distance and never gave her cause to be confrontational.

We also began talking and planning about our future during that period. She still insisted on travelling out of the country after her Nysc programme, something i really wasn’t comfortable with.

On the third week the devil struck again with a powerful thunderstorm.

Early Monday morning of the third week, Adaora showed me two nasty photos of me, sleeping half unclad on Tessy’s bed. I was extremely shocked and speechless when i saw the pictures, because i never knew they existed.

“you see your life?, do you know who sent them to me?, no wonder she insisted on having my contact in all the social networks” she asked and said angrily as i glanced at the pictures. I couldn’t say anything, i knew who sent them already, and i felt it was the end with Adaora.

I simply ran out of the room and called Tessy who answered my call after it rang six times.
“i guess you have seen the pictures?, i still have dozens more to send and it dosen’t end there. No one plays with my feelings, you can ask my ex husband” she said, rudely ending the call and switching off her phones.

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“i’m sorry, i know i have lots of explanation to do. I just don’t know where to start” i said quietly to Adaora when i returned to my room. She scoffed and rolled her eyes.

“hmmm i think you should first figure out a way of getting all the pictures of you she has, which i know will be quite impossible. Do you even know what she could do with those pictures?” she seriously asked, while i breathed deeply, saying nothing.

“she can tarnish your image to an irrepairable degree if you don’t know” she concluded.

“i will figure out a way to recover them” i murmured half heartedly.

“i will be travelling to Enugu tomorrow morning” she announced seconds later, leaving me more than worried.

“why nau?” i asked desperately, my face colouring more.

“i promised to stay three weeks and we are on the third week, what’s so bad with my decision?. Just let me be jor” she answered with a raised tone. Silencing me with her reply.
Even though she tried to appear cool, which was very unusual of her. I knew she was extremely upset with me. But having no clue on how to appease her, i simply let her be.

I finally got Tessy on phone again later in the evening, my heart pounding furiously as she answered the call.
“please stop disturbing me, i’m very busy, and don’t ever call any of my lines again. I don’t need you anymore, i have nothing to do with confused, selfish little boys. Grow up” she shouted at me and hung up, killing my already wounded spirit. I didn’t know what to do, the future appeared sour to me. I felt like crying.

I tried murmuring some explanations to Adaora later in the evening, but the cold stare she gave me made me to quickly shut up.
“you want to start another lie abi, go ahead nah??” she hissed angrily.

Tessy destroyed everything with that singular action. I knew she wasn’t hoping to achieve anything other than to make me miserable and it was already working. Early the next morning, i went with Adaora to Owerri where she boarded an Enugu bound bus. I felt like crying as the bus departed. I had a very strange feeling about her departure. I felt it was the last between us, though it wasn’t her fault but mine.

I knew she was silently suffering over everything. She couldn’t eat all through the previous day, and only ate two slices of bread in the morning.
The drawn face and sadness in her eyes said it all. I dreaded knowing what was in her mind. But the unspoken reality was that our relationship was at the brink of death, only a miracle would revive it.

How do i start to redeem my life?, how do i stage a counter attack on Tessy?, where do i go from here??

Nothing good ever comes from Cheating. Cheating kills and destroys. There i was at a crossroad, hopelessly out of options.

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By thursday evening, i made up my mind to travel to Abuja once again, bearing in mind to have some serious talks with Tessy. It really took me three days of deep thinking to come up with the idea, even though my mind wasn’t strong about at all.

Adaora was still at Enugu with my parents, after spending two days at her family house. She still answered my calls which was a very welcomed development, but it never meant that our relationship wasn’t still shaking from the matchet wound Tessy inflicted on it.

Travelling to Abuja under such circumstances wasn’t really something which was made with a peaceful mind. I planned seeing Tessy, without coming up with any idea on how to settle things with her.
Later in the evening{thursday}, i called her on phone, praying she answers the call. Luckily she answered with a gruff voice.

“i will be at your house by saturday evening. Hope it will be okay by you?” i informed her calmly.

“no problem. I dey” she murmured and hung up, giving me no chance to say any other thing.


Saturday finally arrived. I prayed for the first time before heading to Owerri. My head pounding furiously, my body system in complete disarray. Yet i couldn’t really give myself a simple answer on what i plan talking with her. Was it to beg??.

I arrived the capital city by 6:30pm, rushed to a small cafe, where i ate a plate of hot rice and beans {because i ate nothing before embarking on that strange journey}. I restlessly ate, glancing at my watch every other minute, as i tried to draw out another plan.

7:38pm i walked into Tessy’s compound and was led to the backyard, by a househelp who told me that she was waiting for me there. I really was surprised, but had no choice than to go with her. On getting there, i was surprised to see Tessy sitting with two bulky men who were dressed in military camfouflage. My first instinct was to run, but i bravely waved away my fear and approached them. My eyes on Tessy, whose face instantly lit up when she saw me.

But as i drew closer to her. I saw myself in the air, crashing on the floor seconds later. I was shocked, i was dazed, i was stunned. I was extremely flabbergastered. My ear smarting painfully, which made me realise that i wasn’t only kicked, but slapped as well.

The two men descended on me like angry Mexican bulls, whipping and kicking me without respect. I couldn’t find the voice to scream, nor the mind to fight them in self defence. They had a good time dealing with me, while my body burned painfully.

“so na dis fine madam you wan dupe kia!, shege!” they cursed with anger as if my problems with Tessy took a pound of their flesh.

“make sure you return her five hundred thousand naira before the end of this year, or my oga go carry tank come finish your family” one of them shouted, kicking my a.ss.

“five hundred thousand?? No no no” i managed to protest, an action which further infuriated them. The tallest drew out his belt.

“enough, it’s okay” i heard Tessy command, while i heaved a sigh of relief as i gasped for air.

“no madam, we never start anything, the boy never learn im lesson. See as he just shout” they protested.

“no wahala free him” she commanded again.


By thursday evening, i made up my mind to travel to Abuja once again, bearing in mind to have some serious talks with Tessy. It really took me three days of deep thinking to come up with the idea, even though my mind wasn’t strong about at all.

Adaora was still at Enugu with my parents, after spending two days at her family house. She still answered my calls which was a very welcomed development, but it never meant that our relationship wasn’t still shaking from the matchet wound Tessy inflicted on it.

Travelling to Abuja under such circumstances wasn’t really something which was made with a peaceful mind. I planned seeing Tessy, without coming up with any idea on how to settle things with her.
Later in the evening{thursday}, i called her on phone, praying she answers the call. Luckily she answered with a gruff voice.

“i will be at your house by saturday evening. Hope it will be okay by you?” i informed her calmly.

“no problem. I dey” she murmured and hung up, giving me no chance to say any other thing.


Saturday finally arrived. I prayed for the first time before heading to Owerri. My head pounding furiously, my body system in complete disarray. Yet i couldn’t really give myself a simple answer on what i plan talking with her. Was it to beg??.

I arrived the capital city by 6:30pm, rushed to a small cafe, where i ate a plate of hot rice and beans {because i ate nothing before embarking on that strange journey}. I restlessly ate, glancing at my watch every other minute, as i tried to draw out another plan.

7:38pm i walked into Tessy’s compound and was led to the backyard, by a househelp who told me that she was waiting for me there. I really was surprised, but had no choice than to go with her. On getting there, i was surprised to see Tessy sitting with two bulky men who were dressed in military camfouflage. My first instinct was to run, but i bravely waved away my fear and approached them. My eyes on Tessy, whose face instantly lit up when she saw me.

But as i drew closer to her. I saw myself in the air, crashing on the floor seconds later. I was shocked, i was dazed, i was stunned. I was extremely flabbergastered. My ear smarting painfully, which made me realise that i wasn’t only kicked, but slapped as well.

The two men descended on me like angry Mexican bulls, whipping and kicking me without respect. I couldn’t find the voice to scream, nor the mind to fight them in self defence. They had a good time dealing with me, while my body burned painfully.

“so na dis fine madam you wan dupe kia!, shege!” they cursed with anger as if my problems with Tessy took a pound of their flesh.

“make sure you return her five hundred thousand naira before the end of this year, or my oga go carry tank come finish your family” one of them shouted, kicking my a.ss.

“five hundred thousand?? No no no” i managed to protest, an action which further infuriated them. The tallest drew out his belt.

“enough, it’s okay” i heard Tessy command, while i heaved a sigh of relief as i gasped for air.

“no madam, we never start anything, the boy never learn im lesson. See as he just shout” they protested.

“no wahala free him” she commanded again.

“let me handle the rest” she said to the solidiers, who quickly drew back without another word. I tried to stand but couldn’t, spitting out bl0*d as my eyes turned. I feared i had lost some of my ribs, which really alarmed me. I tried standing again, but this time, i collasped.

I opened my eyes to find myself in Tessy’s room. I quickly sprang up, but felt a heavy pain in my chest which pushed me down on the bed again. Tessy was soon by my side.

“easy, don’t stress your body, you have been drugged. The pains will soon go away” she said quietly. I tried saying something but couldn’t. My eyes closed, sending me back to dreamland.
I fully woke up hours later{6:15am sunday}, sitting up with a weak body, my head burning painfully. I sat for a while regaining my senses and thinking of my next step. Even though i was still unable to think properly.
There was no denying that Tessy has taken our disagreement to a brand new level and i needed to upgrade my tactics, though unlike Elinor, she hardly bragged about anything and behaved like a saint while deep down her heart was as dark as coal.
I really couldn’t imagine how to carry out my own revenge, since i had sworn never to use violence in dealing with my enemies.

Sighting my small bag, which was lying by the corner, i lazily fetched it, searching for my toothbrush, but i was surprised to see that my bag had been searched, though nothing was taken from it. The clothes i left at the bottom were now at the top.
“so how are you now?” Tessy asked, as i was dressing up painfully. The pains on my body returned as soon as i poured water on myself after brushing my teeth.

“you don’t want to talk to me?” she smiled, sitting on the bed expecting me to say something, but i just ignored her, dressed up and grabbed my bag.

“please where are my phones?” i asked her coldly,

“they are over there” she replied, pointing to a small table. I reached for my phones, checked them and was equally surprised to see that they had been tampered with. The settings{launchers} weren’t the same as i left them. But i kept my feelings to myself and faced her.

“i’m leaving” i said quietly,

“hmmmm, not so fast, don’t you think we have something to discuss?” she asked, while i shrugged.

“i don’t think so, because you have already threatened my family and decided that i’m owing you 500k, so be it” i said with a frown. She smiled, stood up and blocked me.

“we can forget about all that happened yesterday, if you can just discard your decision about ending our relationship. I can compensate you handsomely for everything” she said calmly. I breathed deeply, closed my eyes, bit my lips and left her room without another word.

As i left her house, i thought of my next line of action. The pain in my chest returned, seizing my breath.

Where do i go from here? What do i do??


I dialled Adaora’s phone number as i waited for a taxi minutes later, wondering where she could be.

“happy sunday dear, where are you?” i asked calmly,

“i’m in Abuja nau, i returned yesterday, couldn’t reach you though” she answered,

“alright, i’m coming over” i said, surprising her with the announcement.

“what?, are you in Abuja” she asked with a surprised tone,

“yes, i’ll explain when i get there” i answered and hung up, my heart bleeding with regret.
Just that moment another call come through the same phone, and this time it was Elinor calling. I really was surprised to see her number on the phone screen.

“hi dear, i heard what happened to you at Tessy’s place and i couldn’t help but feel sorry for you. I’m really sorry, where are you?, perhaps i can be of help” she asked calmly,

“don’t worry about me, thanks alot. I’m fine” i replied a bit rudely and hung up.

Finally getting a taxi, i headed to Adaora’s house, while my thoughts wandered carelessly. I couldn’t help but think of the motive behind Elinor’s strange phone call. She sounded as if she truly sympatized with me, which i deemed strange.

Adaora gasped as she opened the door. She stared at me speechlessly for some minutes before letting me into the house. I wanted her to hug me, i desperately wanted to feel her warm body, but she denied me the pleasure because of her displeasure over my recent scandals.

“you look very awful and terrible, were you involved in an accident or what?” she curiously asked as i lowered myself on a couch. Sitting beside me, she examined me carefully.

“i went to Tessy’s house to have a talk with her concerning the pictures, but instead of obliging she sent two soldiers to beat me up” i explained, while her face coloured with surprise.

“are you serious!” she exclaimed,

“yea they almost killed me” i confessed,

“i can imagine” she breathed. Opening my shirt to see some faint whip marks on my body.

“i really don’t know what to say to you. Seriously” she murmured,
“i gave you everything you asked for. Or money?, you have lots already, seriously the devil really enjoys playing with you” she said with a broken spirit, while i closed my eyes unable to say anything.
What could i ever say to justify my actions?. She really has seen alot, and still suffering because i simply refused to grow up.

“i’m very confused, seriously. What if she killed you?, gosh” she snapped her fingers,
“i don’t even know my condition right now. I have been vomitting since yesterday evening” she added with a soft whimper. I lazily reached for her hand and held it, tears blinding my vision. Her phone rang that moment coming in between our emotions.

“what’s Tessy calling me for?” i heard her ask in wonder as she answered the call, switching on her phone speaker-out.

“your boyfriend is trying to play a silly prank on me. Just warn him to be careful over what he is wishing for himself. I advise you as a friend, please try not to get involved. I know he is in there with you lying his a.ss off as usual” Tessy said plainly, making her words sound more of a threat than warning.

“but hey, i’m already involved because he is not my boyfriend but husband, go get a life” Adaora yelled back, surprising Tessy who quickly changed tone once again.

“fine, i hope you deal with it when it comes” she hissed and hung up, while i closed my eyes in shame.
I couldn’t believe Adaora was sticking out her Neck for me after all i did. But just as if she read my mind, she quickly faced me.

“i will stand by you just for appearances and for nothing more” she said seriously, forgetting or purposely refusing to mention the current status of our relationship….

Episode 175

7:45pm, Adaora’s house

“you know i can handle that obnoxious lady, if you let me” Adaora said as we enjoyed a quiet dinner. I scoffed and stared at her.

“i have my contacts, moreover my mum is avilable to help with the right connections” she continued quietly,

“hmmm please don’t think of it, besides Tessy is equally highly connected, going by the way i feel you plan handling her. I fear the whole thing will be blown out of proportion and the press will fight each other with the resultant news” i mumured, while she shrugged, facing her meal.

“na you sabi. I rest my help” she breathed.

Early the next morning, she went to a lab. For a pregnancy test before heading to her PPA. She however returned two hours later with a bright face.

“i’m not pregnant, now i can face other fears squarely” she joked.

I spent Monday night, thinking and orchestrating the first stage of my plans against Tessy. By Tuesday morning, i had it mapped out and ready to execute. It was equally the day i planned travelling back to the east{1mo}.

I spent an hour with Adaora in her room, apologizing all over again, and making promises which could have moved any girl but her.

“you already know that i love you. I have nothing else to say” was all she could say to me. She never sounded harsh nor affectionate. Her heart really was one that has bled a thousand times over. I was near tears as we managed to hug before i left the house, heading straight to Tessy’s office.

I saw Tessy walking into her shop as i dropped from the Taxi. I smiled evily, closed my eyes with the new sunglass i bought minutes earlier and went after her.

She was extremely surprised to see me at her office. The surprise and slight shock on her face suggested she was kind of scared. I never for a minute imagined she could be scared of me, which made me smile with both hands on my waist, looking big and cool.

“were you following me?” she asked in a somewhat confused manner.

“i hate what you did to me at your house and i so much resent what you did on sunday by calling my girlfriend” i said calmly,

“and what do you intend to do?” she asked suspiciously.

“nothing” i answered, confusing her a great deal, with my calm pose and behaviour.

“i came to apologize and set things straight on saturday, but you showed me how bad you are. So now how do you think i can continue loving a woman who almost killed me?” i asked, while she blushed in regret.

“i never took five hundred thousand Naira from you, but i will send you the money before christmas, just like you demanded. Please just leave my girl out, she will even help by contributing half the sum. So you see nothing will break us up” i boasted seriously, turning to leave, but just as i expected, she quickly grabbed my hand.

“i was decieved by a friend. Elinor arranged the whole show. You know i can’t afford harming you?” she begged like a child.
Her revelation destablized my whole being. I was shocked beyond imagination, but still a bit suspicious. She really wasn’t only smart but cunning.

“I just don’t know” i murmured and backed her, pretending to be confused. She came closer and held me from behind.

“please my dearest, i really can’t stand losing you” she begged, while i breathed deeply.

“i’m heading back to the east to recover from the trauma, you will have your reply by saturday” i promised,
“but just know that i will never step foot into your house again. If ever we are getting back, we will be meeting somewhere else” i said with a deceptive smile, my back still on her.

“no problem” she accepted without hesistation. I turned, gave her a last look before disappearing.

one week was the perfect time needed to finalize my plans and draw everything to a super conclusion.

‘She used a horsewhip on me, i will use an iron rod on her’.

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Mr Rock

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7 years ago

Interesting story and full of suspense but too many repetition of words (swallowed hard, shrugged, scoffed, biting of lips, etc)

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