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[Story] Life as a corper (Episode 151 – 200 Final Episode)


Life as a corper

Episode 181

Unfortunately he miscalulated the power of my driving skills. Hitting the brakes, i wheeled left, slightly avoiding running into his car.
Stepping on the accelerator, i fired on while he hotly pursued. This time flashing his head lamps as he gave me a hot chase.

My hands furiously shook as i raced on, murmuring quick prayers as my eyes keenly searched around for a new route. I truly wasn’t familiar with the road setup, even though i knew the town it led to. My pursuer soon gained on me once again, jumping pot-holes as if he was driving a hummer. The eagerness of his pursuit alarmed me tremendously, and i couldn’t help but imagine what was their plan.{I felt the car had more than one occupant, though i was unable to see even the driver. The car had a tinted glass}

Finally i saw a way out as i was about giving up hope. My eyes glittered with joy as i quickly made a last minute calculation, throwing a quick glance at the other car which was almost overtaking me once again.
Slamming on the brake, i swerved right, narrowly missing the thick bush {surrounding the road} as i avoided a very big pothole capable of turning over a car on high speed, but as i expected, the other car wasn’t so lucky as the driver who was so eager to get me failed to see the big pot-hole on time, thus forcing him to slam on his brakes belatedly which then sent his car flying into the bush.

Grabbing the opportunity, i reversed and raced to my village. It really was a narrow escape and i never had driven with such nervousness in all my life. It truly was a near death experience which left me with no option than to find a way to make peace with Tessy, even if it meant trampling on my pride. I was no match to her and only a fool confronts a spirit without having adequate protection.

“I have gambled alot with my destiny, it’s now time to call for a truce” i deeply reasoned.

But unfortunately, Tessy refused to listen to my offer when i called her later at night.
“you can come over to Abuja let’s discuss or forget about any deal. You have shown me your true colour and i’m now ready to show mine” she said to me, creating more fear into my heart. I couldn’t imagine my fate if i was to honour her invitation by setting foot in Abuja.

I felt she was very set to frustrate and wipe me out of existence.

Surprisingly Tessy called me the next morning as i was having breakfast. I answered her call with expectation.

“how was your night?” she asked calmly,

“cool” i answered, hiding my feelings.

“It gives me no joy that we are after each other’s throat, but you are to be blamed for everything happening between us. Last night I was unable to sleep because i couldn’t get my mind off you. But don’t blame me for my actions. I have every right to do whatever it takes to safeguard my dignity. You killed and betrayed the love, respect and trust i had for you with your obnoxious atitude. Now what i have left is serious hate. It’s so strong that i can do anything to you without any atom of compassion. The love i had for you have been replaced by hate and disgust. But i still have the mind to be reasonable, unlike you”She poured out solemnly, getting me more confused and anxious.

“it’s a pity things ended this way between us. But please let’s leave everything till New year. I can’t afford travelling to Abuja this December, please” i passionately begged.

“you need more time, in order to wrap up the plans you have for me abi?” she asked after few seconds of silence.

“no, not at all. Seriously i only took your pictures in order to threaten and stop you from pestering my life and that of my girl. I never planned damaging your reputation with the pictures” i confessed, my heart furiously pounding.

“i don’t believe you. Anyway i will give you the time you asked for. January it is. Remember nobody plays with me” she said slowly and hung up, relieving my tension with her last statement.
I had till January to figure out a way, which could be, laying down arms and surrendering to her. I was tired of fighting. I equally was no match to her.

However, by 4:45pm that same evening, i got another unusual call from Adaora.

“they are here again oo. The SSS guys are right here and i just don’t know what to tell them anymore, since you refused revealing anything to me” she cried,

“just give one of them the phone, please dearest” i pleaded, unable to believe my ears, because Tessy already had promised to let me be till January, which left me to wonder whom the sss guys were working for.

“are they working for tessy or for Elinor”, i wondered,
“or is Tessy yet to inform them of our agreement?” I reasoned as Adaora handed over her phone to one of them.

Episode 182


“hey young man stop being
foolish. If you want to talk to us,
you know the person to call” an
agent barked, and ended
the call without even giving me
the chance to talk. I immediately
dialled mr Tosin’s phone number
without thinking twice.

“hello mr Valentine, are you now
in Abuja?” he quickly asked as if i
promised him i was coming.

“no sir but i called for another
reason” i replied, trying to
explain my motive of calling, but
he gave me no chance.
Interrupting me, he barked.

“you have to be here in Abuja
before i listen to you. Your girl is
going with us till you show up to
bail her” he rasped, sending my
nerves flying with his outburst. I
quickly tried a new approach.
Clearing my throat, i barked.

“you guys really don’t know whose daughter you are playing with.
Just get ready for the
consequencies. I have nothing else to say” i shouted defiantly.

“have you finished?, call me
when you get to town” he said
calmly after listening to my
outburst, before ending the call. I
fell back, totally lost and
confused. I couldn’t imagine
what Adaora was already going
through in their hands.

I quickly called Tessy, but she
refused to answer my calls which
then left me cursing as tears fell
from my eyes. I felt Tessy had
stabbed me once again after
cleaning my wounds.

An hour later, Adaora called me,
her voice sounding like someone
in tears.

“baby i don’t know where i’m
ooo. I have been locked up in an
isolated compound. Try do something, i have been kidnapped” she cried.

“calm down my love, you havn’t been kidnapped. If you were, you won’t have access to your
phone” i reassured her, even
though i felt empty inside.

“i know what i’m saying, they just gave me an opportunity to
call you for the last time. Is this really happening?, what have you done?. I have been kidnapped”
she cried, while the ‘call ending’ beep tone, beeped on my ear.

I felt like crying, I felt bad, very bad, moreover i knew the consequencies if the news should get to her mother or mine, which i feared was now inevitable. I had no choice than to prepare myself for another trip to Abuja. A trip i was so scared of undertaking because i feared i might end up not returning with my complete body, if ever i was lucky enough
to return.

Adaora’s last words,
“i have been Kidnapped” kept
ringing in my head, as i prayed

But before finally making up my
mind for the trip ahead. I made
one last phone call.

“are your guys available?” i asked a very surprised Obinna.

“of course they always are” he replied slowly, expecting me to be more open, which i really wasn’t ready to, because i truly had nothing figured out yet, even though i was very certain his boys were going to be helpful in days to come.

“i will be in town, before 6pm tomorrow. I will call you when i arrive” i concluded and ended the phone call, while my heart continued to pound loudly, shaking my entire body system as if i was under a serious spiritual attack.
Supposing i knew of any soothsayer, seriously with my condition i would have searched him out to read my future.

I couldn’t help but wonder how Adaora’s feelings towards me would be. I had brought nothing but pain, anguish and troubles to her.
“If by chance our relationships survives after this mess, then nothing will ever break it” i reasoned, shaking my head profusely, as i glanced at my watch, contemplating on whether to take the risky night bus orWait till the next day for my journey. Oh my spirit was extremely restless that fateful day.

Precisely by 5:15pm, my phone rang, bringing me back to reality. Taking a look at my phone, i saw that It was Tessy who was calling, which made me to sigh before answering the call.

“hi Val i missed your calls earlier in the day. I actually was in a meeting when you called. What’s up?” she asked as if she wasn’t aware of the latest development, which kind of sent some doubts into my mind.
“Is she really trying to play with my intelligence?” i wondered.

“your SSS guys took my girl to an unknown location hours ago. I thought you promised to give me time. Didn’t you agree to lay low till January?” i asked with all my heart.

“SSS what?, Really??” she asked like a confused student, while i managed to explain the whole story to her.

“don’t worry your girl will be returned. I guess there was a mistake, which i will reactify as soon as possible” She assured me, calming down my spirit with her words. But then the way she sounded made me realise that perhaps she wasn’t the only one calling the shots, even though she might be aware of the third party involved in our affair. It really made the whole issue look a bit more complicated.

However by 8:30pm that fateful evening, Adaora called to tell me that she was at her house, relaxing my nervous spirit with the great news, but what was to come after was a very heavy blow even though it never came as a surprise to me.

“Our relationship is over. Don’t ever come near me nor my family ever again. You criminal” she ended up shouting at me.

It pained me alot to hear her call me a criminal. It really was so painful that tears fell freely from my eyes. I tried making some explanations but she refused to listen. I couldn’t imagine what they must have told her.

The next evening, i heard from my mother that Adaora was back in Enugu, with almost all her properties. My actions had made her run from abuja.


Very early the next morning, i headed back to Enugu.
My thoughts kept me company as i tried hard to figure out a good explanation to give Adaora. Telling her the whole truth would have been more preferable, but i had no courage for it.

I knew i messed up in a whole lot of ways, but fixing my relationship was my top priority, instead of blaming myself over past mistakes. Deep down i feared my relationship with Adaora had finally come to an end.

“Sometimes a well wrapped lie is hundred times better than a painful truth”. Telling her the whole truth really will be like trying to quench petrol fire with a bucket of water.
“Telling her the truth only will add more flame into the fire in her heart”. I reasoned unhappily.

Mum was so surprised to see me at home so early in the morning, because I arrived at exactly 7:50am.
She couldn’t keep herself from asking if all was alright, while i managed to wrap my tension with a smile, equally asking of Adaora the same time.

“she’s at her house” mum answered with a question-like look, forcing me to look away without any explanation. I knew she had lots of questions in her mind, but i was glad she didn’t ask any, giving me the opportunity to calm down and head out in search of my love.

Getting to Adaora’s house, i anxiously waited for her in the sitting room for almost an hour, but she refused to show up, leaving me with no choice than to force my way into her room.
She was lying lazily on her bed when i walked in, but immediately she saw me, she sprang up and charged at me.

“get out” she screamed, slapping me hard on the right cheek which left me very stunned.
“get out” she screamed again, pushing me back roughly while tears fell freely from her eyes.

“it’s over between us, i will be coming to your house this evening to tell mummy all i just discovered. You are a beast” she cried, hitting my chest as if it was a band. I couldn’t find my voice, i was totally disorganised.

“what did she discover, what did they do to her, what did they tell her?” i wondered helplessly.

I couldn’t imagine what she was planning to tell my dear mother, and i felt Whatever it was, It definetly was going to be deadly. I knew my poor mum won’t be able to bear it, leaving me with no choice than to find a way to calm down my frightened girl and get her to talk, even though i knew it was almost an impossible task judging by her behaviour.

I knelt, i cried, i pleaded desperately for her to calm down. Bringing down my pride to the lowest and placing it at her feet.

But it never moved her, instead she trampled upon all i laid at her feet, the way i have been trampling on her feelings.

“you are despicable, you are a liar, i can’t listen to you anymore. I can’t listen to your lies anymore. You don’t love me, no you don’t” she weeped seriously, smashing my heart with the torrent of words she poured on me.

Oh i was desperate, i was extremely lost, i was going slowly insane with her outburst. My heart kept pumping loudly, while i shook nervously.

“ADAORA” i whispered her name pleadingly as if was saying the Lord’s prayer.
“hear me out, i beg of you” i begged with desperation, but it only earned me a super kick at the ribs, which sent me back on my feet immediately.

“I should have listened to my head and not my heart. You are way too immature for me”. She cried, sending me into another panic attack with her hurtful words.
“please just leave me in peace, your presence is simply hurting me more. We will talk at your house. Go now” she seriously commanded, while i backed away pleading with my eyes.

I left her house without achieving anything, i feared more terrible drama was lying in wait for me. I couldn’t imagine how the day would end, what Adaora was planning and the outcome of everything. I simply was hopeless and lost.

As an after-thought, i called Frank and opened up my heart to him. Carefully hiding some terrible facts as i narrated my story.

“i can’t believe all these happened to you. Mehn you are living a very eventful life” he joked when i finished. Annoying me with his comment.

“guy please i’m short of time. I called because i know you are the devil’s brother please be serious” i begged with a humourous tone.

“yes my boy you are right. But you made some mistakes, anyway here is my advice” he said lightly, clearing his throat for the words ahead, while i eagerly listened.

“in terribly situations, you sometimes do nothing and wait for things to settle down. I advice you to sit down, wait and do nothing. What happened, has happened, you can only change direction when the tide is over, else you sink” he advised, leaving me utterly stunned.

“what you mean i should do nothing?, she’s coming to the house to talk with my mum” i screamed when i found my voice.

“yes simply do nothing, or do you plan killing her?” he asked, while i kept quiet.

“do nothing my guy, Adaora isn’t stupid to wreck your mother’s heart, dosen’t she know her health status?. My friend Learn to control situations and don’t give situations the chance to control you” he concluded and hung up, while I deeply thought over his words which really made small sense.
Having no other plan in mind, i carried out Frank’s advice and waited nervously.

Unfortunately Adaora kept her promise and showed up with her mum hours later. I was extremely overwhelmed seeing them and I couldn’t imagine what was to come next.

I needed no asking if i looked okay that fateful moment.


“our girl and her mother are ready for dinner, so kindly get up and join us in the dinning room” mum said to me minutes later, when she came into my room to check up on me. I couldn’t say anything to her because i simply wasn’t myself.

The cold way Adaora answered my greeting when i welcomed she and her mother moments ago flashed back in my mind. The cold look she gave me really unsettled and tore my damaged heart into shreds. I was so nervous as i welcomed them that her mother had to ask if i was fine.

“yes ma, i’m fine, it’s just stress. I came home just hours ago” i had explained, while Adaora smiled scornfully, saying nothing.

I couldn’t imagine what was to come during dinner. I feared the time bomb Adaora had with her was set to explode there. But what can i do than to wait?.

I quietly got up and moved to the dinning room. Adaora, her mother and my mum were already seated when i got there. Mum’s angry stare quickly made me apologize to everyone with my eyes, before quietly sitting beside Adaora’s mum. A woman who barely noticed me, not minding how long she has known me.
However that was just her character, she was good at carrying herself with an air of superiority, and always behaving as if she was better and richer than everyone. Yes she carried herself so high, as proud as a peacock, though deep down she possessed a good heart. Adaora unfortunately inherited almost all her traits, even though she barely displayed them publicly.

Luckily for me, nothing bad happened during dinner and Adaora never uttered a word concerning our affair, but yet i was still uncomfortable because i feared she was purposely holding me at suspence.
Adaora’s mother however announced during the meal that she was travelling out to be with her husband for Christmas, and as usual will be leaving Adaora to be with us since she has chosen not to travel till the end of her Nysc.

I truly was relieved and happy hearing the wonderful news but deep down i still felt uncomfortable, which made me to drive over to see Adaora the next day, praying for her to grant me audience.

She did grant me the audience i desperately wanted, and for the first time appeared relaxed and calm, which lightened up my spirit.

“now listen to me Val, i have a wonderful proposal to make” she said as soon as i settled down, hiding her feelings with a calm smile.
“yesterday i stopped myself from telling your mother everything because of my mother’s presence. But now you have to choose between me telling your family all i witnessed and heard, or letting me be for the rest of my life” she said quietly, confusing me with her words.

“i don’t understand” i murmured with confusion, drawing closer to her.

“Val i no longer love you and if you still insist on having me as your girlfriend, pestering my life everyday, i won’t have any choice than to tell all i know to your mother, but if you promise never to bother me again, i will keep my lips sealed forever. Nobody will know about your dirty secret” she said seriously, leaving me gasping for breathe.

I couldn’t believe my ears. I so desperately wanted her to be by my side, yet i also couldn’t risk her revealing anything to my mother. I was totally torn and indecisive.

“what do i do now?” i wondered as she curiously waited for my answer.

“you have lots of time to think about it. I’m not in a hurry to have your answer” she said quietly, after noticing how difficult her proposal was to me. I breathed deeply and stood up, totally shaken. My face deeply coloured.

“alright it’s fine by me, i guess i have to go home and think over it” i murmured painfully.

“think well dear” she said with a soft smile, while i took my leave without another word.

I thought about her proposal all night, but was unable to come up with anything. I couldn’t afford losing her, i equally couldn’t afford giving her the opportunity to spoil my name before my mother. Deep down, i desperately wanted to know all she learnt when being held captive some days back.
Because of my problems with Adaora, i forgot and kept my problems with Tessy aside, not minding that days were slowly speeding by. January was just but few weeks away. I failed to notice that time wasn’t on my side. I failed to realise the dangers up ahead were greater than the ones present.

Adaora soon moved in to live with us as Christmas drew close. On 23rd december 2012, we all travelled to my hometown to celebrate the yuletide.
Nobody really noticed the cold way Adaora treated me. Even when we spent some unavoidable moments together, we only exchanged nothing but few words. She never reminded me of the proposal and i never gave her any answer. We simply behaved politely to each other, even though it pained me alot, finding myself in such condition.

Frank came home from Okitipupa town {his PPA} on 24th December, rushing Immediately to my family house as soon as he got home. I was totally happy to see him, and we wasted no time in discussing our problems. I however was the first to pour out my heart and fears. After listening, he shook his head and shrugged.
“Let her be my friend. If Adaora is destined for you, then you have nothing to worry about because something will definetly bring you guys together, but if it dosen’t happen then know she was never destined for you” he advised, while i swallowed hard. Yes i believed in destiny, i believed that God alone writes our destiny, but due to my current situation, i reasoned differently. I felt that somehow we do possess the ability to shape our destiny and push it to the desired direction.

A sharp cry from my phone as it rang, broke the silence surrounding Frank and I.
Glancing at the phone, i saw that it was Elinor calling.

“happy xmas Val, i will be in Owerri tomorrow morning. How do we see for the pictures??” She asked, rattling me with her impromptu question, while Frank and i exchanged glances. I couldn’t believe what i just heard.


“i won’t be free, i already have lots of engagements, moreover i think you should forget about the pictures” i answered calmly, she kept quiet for a while.

“why are you sounding like this?” she slowly asked, making me smile.

“we will talk later please” i murmured and ended the call, giving her no time to say anything else. Frank eyes were all on me.

“i think you should be more than careful when dealing with this Elinor Lady. I can’t just figure out her motive over the whole affair” he said to me, sounding very serious. I nodded and said nothing. Clearly the last thing on my mind was spoiling my christmas with something i knew would be very difficult to handle alone. I knew God chases away flies for a tailless cow and so i felt that by January a solution would find its way into my problems.

Frank left minutes later, while my immediate younger sister came and dragged me to her room. I was very surprised to see Adaora there, and i couldn’t help but smile hopefully because i felt that at last our problems were going to be mediated upon by no one else than my younger sister who had a good amount of influence over Adaora.

Adaora instantly coloured up as soon as she saw me, while my sister dutifully joined her on the bed. I sat on a chair and faced them, my heart pounding loudly.

“i brought you guys here so that we can settle your disagreements. I’m glad you have carried your grievances maturedly without giving mum a reason to learn about it” my sister spoke calmly, but Adaora wasn’t pleased with the speech. She quickly shook her head and eyed me.

“if this meeting is simply to beg or make me to continue with Val, then i’m sorrow because it isn’t going to happen. You can’t imagine how many lies he told me, how many threats i got on his behalf, the pictures i saw, and the number of disgusting stories i heard about him. The ones i told you are simply the ones that hurt me the most, seriously i’m still having nightmares over the way i was kidnapped in broad daylight all because of him”
She poured out hotly while i looked down in shame. I couldn’t believe she told my sister almost everything. I felt i had lost my place before my young sister. I was supposed to be the role model, the pace setter, the father of the family.
“How digusting” i breathed shamefully.

“bros my ears were filled when Adaora poured out the mystery surrounding her unhappiness. I simply was dumbstruck. Jeez brother, what is happening??, anyway show us Tessy’s pictures you took, we want to see them to be sure” she said with a commanding tone, while i drew back with surprise. I couldn’t believe they knew about the pictures.

“d–n how did they know?, didn’t Tessy pretend and behave as if she knew nothing about the kidnap?, who fed Adaora all these information?” i wondered as i opened my phone picture gallery, handing over the device to the girls.

“their eyes grew dim as they glanced at the pictures, blushing, and murmuring together. I looked away with disgust.

Adaora soon shook her head, sighed and left the room without another word, while my sister shrugged before returning my phone. I couldn’t even look her on the face. I was extremely ashamed of myself.

“seriously bro, i’m very disappointed in you. I just can’t believe myself” she rasped, holding her forehead with her palms. I closed my eyes, breathed deeply and poured out the whole story to her.
She kept biting her lips as she listened, my heart pounding loudly as i narrated my story. I couldn’t believe i was revealing everything to her, but i had no choice than to. I had nothing to lose anymore.

“help me talk to Adaora, but please hide some of the things i told you from her. I just want her back, do all you can” i pleaded after my story. She breathed deeply and shrugged.

“it’s really going to be hard bro, the poor girl is heartbroken and devastated. What do i tell her?, I equally feel like stabbing you a hundred times over” she said seriously, dashing my spirit.

We spent christmas day in high spirit. Singing, eating, and visiting close relatives after church service. Surprisingly Adaora was dutifully by my side all through that day, behaving as if all was well between us, making most of my uncles to believe that she definetly was my wife to be. I had lots of opportunities to bring up the issue of our relationship, but i kept sealed lips in order not to spoil her mood. Anyway i was very pleased to find her by my side, it gave me so much hope and happiness. I believed with time her wounds would heal, our love and relationship restored.

The next day i drove over to Frank’s house to personally wish him and his parents a happy christmas. They were all pleased to see me, but then his mother wasted no time in complaining about Joy {Frank’s girlfriend and wife to be}.
I couldn’t believe my ears on hearing that the first marriage talks between the two families has been done.

“i just don’t know what he saw in that uneducated girl when there are lots of beautiful educated girls everywhere” she poured out to me, while i stared at Frank who simply looked away without saying anything. I never believed he could carry out such a deed without informing me, moreover we were together days ago. It was very obvious he didn’t want me to know about it, which got me thinking deeply.

Yes i alreay knew he was very much in love with Joy, but i never believed he was so much in love with her to have taken such a bold step. Deep down i felt something wasn’t adding up right.


“please brother, don’t give me that strange look. I’m sorry for not carrying you along with my plans” frank apologized when we were finally alone in his room. I breathed deeply, saying nothing. I knew he had more explanations to do, which i calmly waited for.

“you know how Joy and i started?” he asked seriously, while i nodded.
“the fights, the challenges and the problems i faced for her sake, not mentioning the sacrificies i made for her. You remember all, don’t you?” he asked. I nodded again, old memories flashing back in my head.

{For the sake of our new readers, let’s all flash back to how it all started between Joy and Frank}

Joy was a beautiful young teenager from a community very close to Frank’s Village. She truly was so lovely, and blessed with natural endowments {good hips, b—–s, statue, colour and teeth}, but unfortunately she lacked good family background and intelligence. Her parents were very poor and uncaring, yet expanding the family with more Children. Her mum’s adulterous character equally was questionable but unproved. Her dad’s behaviour very callous and unmanly. All they just wanted from Joy was to get married after her Waec exams or make money for the family by any means. Thus the hatred and disapproval of their daughter’s relationship with Frank, because they believed Frank was a nobody who simply stood in their daughter’s way, preventing her from carrying out her responsibilies. Frank had to do everything to free her even though he had no money.

Their love affair never really started on a smooth path or like a fairy tale. Frank being a player only lusted and wanted nothing but s-x from the moment he started showing interest in the girl, but as time went by, after lots of challenges she became his most favourite girl. She automatically planted a rich seed in his heart, which grew into a great flower with romantic fragrance. Frank soon changed and became more romantic with her, to the extent that he went extra miles to accomodate her in his room for almost two years {university final year and spill over}, fighting and almost losing his life when her parents gave her out to a lady who almost succeeded in using her for prostitution {read season 2A}. However it never stopped him from cheating on her once in a while.

The story of Joy and Frank is quite an endless tale of passion.

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Mr Rock

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7 years ago

Interesting story and full of suspense but too many repetition of words (swallowed hard, shrugged, scoffed, biting of lips, etc)

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